[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2181?page=all ]

Edwin Punzalan moved MASSEMBLY-12 to MNG-2181:

    Fix Version:     (was: 2.1)
            Key: MNG-2181  (was: MASSEMBLY-12)
        Project: Maven 2  (was: Maven 2.x Assembly Plugin)

> Problem with reactor when using attached goal
> ---------------------------------------------
>          Key: MNG-2181
>          URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2181
>      Project: Maven 2
>         Type: Bug

>     Reporter: Vincent Massol

> Here's my project dir structure:
> {noformat}
> trunk/
>   |_ core/
>     |_ api/
>       |_ (several projects here)
>     |_ uberjar/ (assembly project)
>   |_ samples
>     |_ testdata
>       |_ empty-jar
>       |_ (...)
> {noformat}
> If I build the trunk/core/ubjerjar project alone it works fine. Note: I have 
> attached the "attached" goal to the verify phase so the assembly can be 
> created when calling "mvn install".
> If I build the project from the trunk by typing "mvn install", the uberjar/ 
> project fails saying that the empty-jar artifact cannot be found in the local 
> repository. That's normal it cannot be found because there are no 
> dependencies on it in the core/ branch and it hasn't been built yet when the 
> uberjar project executes. Of course there are no dependencies to it in the 
> uberjar project.
> It seems there's something fishy happening in the assembly plugin 
> implementation... :-)
> Thanks

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