[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-849?page=all ]

Brett Porter updated MNG-849:

    Reporter: Jesse McConnell  (was: Jesse McConnell)

> plugins that add source roots ignored under certain circumstances
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>          Key: MNG-849
>          URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-849
>      Project: Maven 2
>         Type: Bug

>     Reporter: Jesse McConnell
>     Assignee: Brett Porter

> kenney and I talked about this on irc for a while...here is a rundown..
> Use Case 1:
> when working on my file activator for profiles I use the idea of checking for 
> a file that is missing and if it is missing then activate the profile, which 
> contains a plugin that generates the source file I want to 
> compile...originally I was pointing at the generated java file
> so for the initial execution the profile is activated and the compile source 
> root is added to the mix of things to compile
> however, after that should the build have failed and that file not have been 
> compiled it will not be compiled from that point forward since that the file 
> the profile was checking for did exist, just not the compiled class file 
> version of it.
> so I switched it over to activate if the classfile didn't exist.
> well at that point I was just running > m2 compiler:compile which ends up 
> bypassing the profile activation and not adding the compile source 
> root....and since the original source files require that generated class to 
> compile against the build is broken until there is a clean:clean and that 
> profile is activated again.
> Use Case 2:
> this cropped up right after the discussion on the profile activation...dozer 
> was using >m2 javadoc:javadoc to generate javadocs for a mess of generated 
> classes but they were not getting picked up...since that generated source 
> root was not readily apparent to the javadoc plugin when it was executed 
> directly outside of the context of the normal lifecycle where such things 
> ought to be set in the normal course of events.
> Breakdown:
> the thought here is that when a plugin is executed outside of the normal 
> lifecycle it doesn't have the full context of the lifecycle in terms of 
> compile source roots
> now it could be that this isn't something that m2 should deal with, instead 
> leaving the onus onto the plugin writers to provide configuration options to 
> the plugins to support the users mentioning what source roots to use here and 
> there...and at least in the example of the profile there are lots of 
> different ways I could have done it...I chose that route to give profiles a 
> bit of a workout.

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