[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPJALOPY-10?page=comments#action_61413 ] 

Lukas Theussl commented on MPJALOPY-10:

The jalopy plugin 1.3.1 works fine for me (m11b3, java 1.4.2, Linux FC3), but I 
can't get it to work with the jalopy 1.5b5 or 1.5rc3 releases for various 
reasons. One is apparently a known problem with the ant plugin: 
http://tinyurl.com/onvfr , the other probably a dependency issue (eg I had to 
revert jdom to 1.0b8 as there was an incompatible change between 1.0b8 and 1.0).

I am wondering if we shouldn't revert the plugin to the state of the 1.3.1 
release to include in m11b3.

> Jalopy removes import statements
> --------------------------------
>          Key: MPJALOPY-10
>          URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPJALOPY-10
>      Project: maven-jalopy-plugin
>         Type: Bug

>     Versions: 1.4.1
>  Environment: WinXP, JDK 1.5
>     Reporter: Wendy Smoak
>      Fix For: 1.4.1

> Upgrading to the latest 1.4.1 snapshot results in import statements being 
> removed from code. 
> Steps to reproduce:
> maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven -DartifactId=maven-jalopy-plugin 
> -Dversion=1.4.1-SNAPSHOT  
> -Dmaven.repo.remote=http://cvs.apache.org/repository/
> mkdir testapp
> cd testapp
> maven genapp     (answer questions)
> maven jar        (works fine)
> maven jalopy     (output lists 'removing unused import...')
> maven jar        (tests fail-- import statements have been removed)
> Advice on how to revert to Jalopy 1.0b11 would be appreciated, as the 1.3.1 
> release fails with a NoClassDefFound error.
> Relevant mailing list threads:
>  * http://www.nabble.com/Jalopy-plugin-problem-t1098724.html
>  * http://www.nabble.com/-m1-Jalopy-plugin-problems-t1080969.html

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