[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-369?page=all ]

Brett Porter updated CONTINUUM-369:

    Fix Version: 1.1

note that there seems to be three levels to this problem:
1) detach continuum's state from the execution. So even if it has hung, be able 
to get a project out of "in progress" by hitting the stop button. This would 
leave zombies around but is no worse than at present
2) kill the process, if it still exists
3) doing this auotmatically after a set time intervall (see "related" issue).

Of course, we should be independantly investigating why builds are regularly 
hanging (I don't know if this is an environmental issue, or something to do 
with Maven or Continuum specifically in this particular case). Anything that 
requires manual intervention is not great...

> Stop button to cancel the "in progress" of a project.
> -----------------------------------------------------
>          Key: CONTINUUM-369
>          URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-369
>      Project: Continuum
>         Type: New Feature

>   Components: Web interface
>     Versions: 1.0-beta-1
>  Environment: Linux and Windows
>     Reporter: Fritz Oconer
>      Fix For: 1.1

> Request feature that will enable a user to cancel the "build" of a particular 
> project. Kinda like hitting "ctrl c" when maven is executed. There are times 
> when a project is "stuck indefinitely" in "in progress" state (e.g. when 
> running a broken testcase that executes "indefinitely"). This affects other 
> projects because it has to wait for the previous one to finish. Restarting 
> continuum is not much help because it just goes back to the original state or 
> you cannot delete the project itself because "delete" link is disable. The 
> only solution now is to redeploy continuum. Now, having a cancel button would 
> definitely help. 

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