http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPMULTIPROJECT-64?page=comments#action_60469 ] 

Lukas Theussl commented on MPMULTIPROJECT-64:

Any chance that you could attach a small test project? I remember having seen 
this issue once but I can't reproduce it anymore now.

> goal multiproject:create-nav seems to have lost pom.id
> ------------------------------------------------------
>          Key: MPMULTIPROJECT-64
>          URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPMULTIPROJECT-64
>      Project: maven-multiproject-plugin
>         Type: Bug

>     Versions: 1.4.1
>  Environment: maven 1.0.2 but with a couple of plugins upgraded to latest 
>     Reporter: Benoit Xhenseval

> Today I have upgraded the checkstyle plugin to 3.0 from 2.6
> This seems to have downloaded a couple of libraries and I now have a strange 
> behaviour for multiproject.
> I have also upgraded PMD to 1.8-SNAPSHOT but the following issue appeared 
> before:
> When I run "maven multiproject:site", the reactor goes through all 
> sub-projects ok BUT when it reaches the call to <attainGoal 
> name="multiproject:create-nav"/>, it seems to lose the pom.id and declares 
> that I must exclude the XXXX (the top level project" (see line 140 in th 
> eplugin.jelly).
> XXXX, which is the pom.id, is replaced by the LAST project contained in the 
> variable ${multiprojects}.
> the pom.id seems to have changed between the line just BEFORE the call to 
> multiproject:create-nav and the FIRST line inside create-nav.
> If I modify the code to add some log:
>     <echo>POM.id before calling create-nav ${pom.id}</echo>
>     <attainGoal name="multiproject:create-nav"/>
> ...
>   <goal name="multiproject:create-nav"
>         prereqs="multiproject:site-init">
>     <echo>POM.id INSIDE create-nav ${pom.id} and multi ${multiprojects}</echo>
>     <j:forEach var="reactorProject" items="${multiprojects}">
>     <echo>POM.id INSIDE LOOP create-nav ${pom.id} and current 
> ${reactorProject.id}</echo>
>       <j:if test="${reactorProject.id == pom.id}">
>         <fail message="You must exclude ${pom.id} (the top level project) 
> from the subproject set"/>
>       </j:if>
>     </j:forEach>
> The pom.id has changed between the first 2 echos.  it then matches the last 
> reactorProject.id and th ewhole process fails.
> I do not understand why the pom.id is changed somewhere in 
> multiproject:site-init...
> My current workaround is to change the <fail to a simple <echo so that the 
> process can finish (but it does not generate a proper navigation.xml)
> There is obviously something wrong introduced by the latest download of a 
> couple of plugin, I still have maven 1.0.2
> Is there a way I could list all plugins and version?  I would post it here...
> Thanks for looking into it.
> Benoit

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