zeroshade commented on code in PR #246:

@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+package sql
+import (
+       "context"
+       "database/sql"
+       "errors"
+       "fmt"
+       "maps"
+       "path"
+       "slices"
+       "strings"
+       "sync"
+       _ "unsafe"
+       ""
+       ""
+       ""
+       ""
+       ""
+       ""
+       ""
+       ""
+       ""
+       ""
+       ""
+       ""
+       ""
+       ""
+type SupportedDialect string
+const (
+       Postgres SupportedDialect = "postgres"
+       MySQL    SupportedDialect = "mysql"
+       SQLite   SupportedDialect = "sqlite"
+       MSSQL    SupportedDialect = "mssql"
+       Oracle   SupportedDialect = "oracle"
+const (
+       DialectKey           = "sql.dialect"
+       DriverKey            = "sql.driver"
+       initCatalogTablesKey = "init_catalog_tables"
+func init() {
+       catalog.Register("sql", catalog.RegistrarFunc(func(name string, p 
iceberg.Properties) (c catalog.Catalog, err error) {
+               driver, ok := p[DriverKey]
+               if !ok {
+                       return nil, errors.New("must provide driver to pass to 
+               }
+               dialect := strings.ToLower(p[DialectKey])
+               if dialect == "" {
+                       return nil, errors.New("must provide sql dialect to 
+               }
+               uri := strings.TrimPrefix(p.Get("uri", ""), "sql://")
+               sqldb, err := sql.Open(driver, uri)
+               if err != nil {
+                       return nil, err
+               }
+               defer func() {
+                       if r := recover(); r != nil {
+                               err = fmt.Errorf("failed to create SQL catalog: 
%v", r)
+                       }
+               }()
+               return NewCatalog(p.Get(name, "sql"), sqldb, 
SupportedDialect(dialect), p)
+       }))
+var (
+       _ catalog.Catalog = (*Catalog)(nil)
+var (
+       minimalNamespaceProps = iceberg.Properties{"exists": "true"}
+       dialects  = map[SupportedDialect]schema.Dialect{}
+       dialectMx sync.Mutex
+func createDialect(d SupportedDialect) schema.Dialect {
+       switch d {
+       case Postgres:
+               return pgdialect.New()
+       case MySQL:
+               return mysqldialect.New()
+       case SQLite:
+               return sqlitedialect.New()
+       case MSSQL:
+               return mssqldialect.New()
+       case Oracle:
+               return oracledialect.New()
+       default:
+               panic("unsupported sql dialect")
+       }
+func getDialect(d SupportedDialect) schema.Dialect {
+       dialectMx.Lock()
+       defer dialectMx.Unlock()
+       ret, ok := dialects[d]
+       if !ok {
+               ret = createDialect(d)
+               dialects[d] = ret
+       }
+       return ret
+type sqlIcebergTable struct {
+       bun.BaseModel `bun:"table:iceberg_tables"`
+       CatalogName              string `bun:",pk"`
+       TableNamespace           string `bun:",pk"`
+       TableName                string `bun:",pk"`
+       MetadataLocation         sql.NullString
+       PreviousMetadataLocation sql.NullString
+type sqlIcebergNamespaceProps struct {
+       bun.BaseModel `bun:"table:iceberg_namespace_properties"`
+       CatalogName   string `bun:",pk"`
+       Namespace     string `bun:",pk"`
+       PropertyKey   string `bun:",pk"`
+       PropertyValue sql.NullString
+func withReadTx[R any](ctx context.Context, db *bun.DB, fn 
func(context.Context, bun.Tx) (R, error)) (result R, err error) {
+       db.RunInTx(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{ReadOnly: true}, func(ctx 
context.Context, tx bun.Tx) error {
+               result, err = fn(ctx, tx)
+               return err
+       })
+       return
+func withWriteTx(ctx context.Context, db *bun.DB, fn func(context.Context, 
bun.Tx) error) error {
+       return db.RunInTx(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: 
sql.LevelLinearizable}, func(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx) error {
+               return fn(ctx, tx)
+       })
+type Catalog struct {
+       db    *bun.DB
+       name  string
+       props iceberg.Properties
+// NewCatalog creates a new sql-based catalog using the provided sql.DB handle 
to perform any queries.
+// The dialect parameter determines the SQL dialect to use for query 
generation and must be one of the
+// supported dialects, i.e. one of the exported SupportedDialect values. The 
separation here allows for
+// the use of different drivers/databases provided they support the chosen sql 
dialect (e.g. if a particular
+// database supports the MySQL dialect, then the database can still be used 
with this catalog even though
+// it's not explicitly implemented).
+// If the "init_catalog_tables" property is set to "true", then creating the 
catalog will also attempt to
+// to verify whether the necessary tables (iceberg_tables and 
iceberg_namespace_properties) exist, creating
+// them if they do not already exist.
+// The environment variable ICEBERG_SQL_DEBUG can be set to automatically log 
the sql queries to the terminal:
+// - ICEBERG_SQL_DEBUG=1 logs only failed queries
+// - ICEBERG_SQL_DEBUG=2 logs all queries
+// All interactions with the db are performed within transactions to ensure 
atomicity and transactional isolation
+// of catalog changes.
+func NewCatalog(name string, db *sql.DB, dialect SupportedDialect, props 
iceberg.Properties) (*Catalog, error) {
+       cat := &Catalog{db: bun.NewDB(db, getDialect(dialect)), name: name, 
props: props}
+       cat.db.AddQueryHook(bundebug.NewQueryHook(
+               bundebug.WithEnabled(false),
+               // ICEBERG_SQL_DEBUG=1 logs only failed queries
+               // ICEBERG_SQL_DEBUG=2 log all queries
+               bundebug.FromEnv("ICEBERG_SQL_DEBUG")))
+       if cat.props.GetBool(initCatalogTablesKey, true) {
+               return cat, cat.ensureTablesExist()
+       }
+       return cat, nil
+func (c *Catalog) Name() string { return }
+func (c *Catalog) CatalogType() catalog.Type {
+       return catalog.SQL
+func (c *Catalog) CreateSQLTables(ctx context.Context) error {
+       _, err := c.db.NewCreateTable().Model((*sqlIcebergTable)(nil)).
+               IfNotExists().Exec(ctx)
+       if err != nil {
+               return err
+       }
+       _, err = c.db.NewCreateTable().Model((*sqlIcebergNamespaceProps)(nil)).
+               IfNotExists().Exec(ctx)
+       return err
+func (c *Catalog) DropSQLTables(ctx context.Context) error {
+       _, err := c.db.NewDropTable().Model((*sqlIcebergTable)(nil)).
+               IfExists().Exec(ctx)
+       if err != nil {
+               return err
+       }
+       _, err = c.db.NewDropTable().Model((*sqlIcebergNamespaceProps)(nil)).
+               IfExists().Exec(ctx)
+       return err
+func (c *Catalog) ensureTablesExist() error {
+       return c.CreateSQLTables(context.Background())
+func (c *Catalog) namespaceExists(ctx context.Context, ns string) (bool, 
error) {
+       return withReadTx(ctx, c.db, func(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx) 
(bool, error) {
+               exists, err := tx.NewSelect().Model((*sqlIcebergTable)(nil)).
+                       Where("catalog_name = ?",
+                       Where("table_namespace = ?", ns).
+                       Limit(1).Exists(ctx)
+               if err != nil {
+                       return false, err
+               }
+               if exists {
+                       return true, nil
+               }
+               return tx.NewSelect().Model((*sqlIcebergNamespaceProps)(nil)).
+                       Where("catalog_name = ?","namespace = 
?", ns).
+                       Limit(1).Exists(ctx)
+       })
+func (c *Catalog) getDefaultWarehouseLocation(ctx context.Context, nsname, 
tableName string) (string, error) {
+       dbprops, err := c.LoadNamespaceProperties(ctx, strings.Split(nsname, 
+       if err != nil {
+               return "", err
+       }
+       if dblocation := dbprops.Get("location", ""); dblocation != "" {
+               return path.Join(dblocation, tableName), nil
+       }
+       if warehousepath := c.props.Get("warehouse", ""); warehousepath != "" {
+               return warehousepath + "/" + path.Join(nsname+".db", 
tableName), nil
+       }
+       return "", errors.New("no default path set, please specify a location 
when creating a table")
+func (c *Catalog) resolveTableLocation(ctx context.Context, loc, nsname, 
tablename string) (string, error) {
+       if len(loc) == 0 {
+               return c.getDefaultWarehouseLocation(ctx, nsname, tablename)
+       }
+       return strings.TrimSuffix(loc, "/"), nil
+func checkValidNamespace(ident table.Identifier) error {
+       if len(ident) < 1 {
+               return fmt.Errorf("%w: empty namespace identifier", 
+       }
+       return nil
+func (c *Catalog) CreateTable(ctx context.Context, ident table.Identifier, sc 
*iceberg.Schema, opts ...catalog.CreateTableOpt) (*table.Table, error) {
+       var cfg internal.CreateTableCfg
+       for _, opt := range opts {
+               opt(&cfg)
+       }
+       nsIdent := catalog.NamespaceFromIdent(ident)
+       tblIdent := catalog.TableNameFromIdent(ident)
+       ns := strings.Join(nsIdent, ".")
+       exists, err := c.namespaceExists(ctx, ns)
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, err
+       }
+       if !exists {
+               return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", catalog.ErrNoSuchNamespace, ns)
+       }
+       loc, err := c.resolveTableLocation(ctx, cfg.Location, ns, tblIdent)
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, err
+       }
+       metadataLocation := internal.GetMetadataLoc(loc, 0)
+       metadata, err := table.NewMetadata(sc, cfg.PartitionSpec, 
cfg.SortOrder, loc, cfg.Properties)
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, err
+       }
+       if err := internal.WriteMetadata(metadata, metadataLocation, c.props); 
err != nil {
+               return nil, err
+       }
+       err = withWriteTx(ctx, c.db, func(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx) error 
+               _, err := tx.NewInsert().Model(&sqlIcebergTable{
+                       CatalogName:,
+                       TableNamespace:   ns,
+                       TableName:        tblIdent,
+                       MetadataLocation: sql.NullString{String: 
metadataLocation, Valid: true},
+               }).Exec(ctx)
+               if err != nil {
+                       return fmt.Errorf("failed to create table: %w", err)
+               }
+               return nil
+       })
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, err
+       }
+       return c.LoadTable(ctx, ident, cfg.Properties)
+func (c *Catalog) CommitTable(ctx context.Context, tbl *table.Table, reqs 
[]table.Requirement, updates []table.Update) (table.Metadata, string, error) {
+       panic("commit table not implemented for SQLCatalog")
+func (c *Catalog) LoadTable(ctx context.Context, identifier table.Identifier, 
props iceberg.Properties) (*table.Table, error) {
+       ns := catalog.NamespaceFromIdent(identifier)
+       tbl := catalog.TableNameFromIdent(identifier)
+       if props == nil {
+               props = iceberg.Properties{}
+       }
+       result, err := withReadTx(ctx, c.db, func(ctx context.Context, tx 
bun.Tx) (*sqlIcebergTable, error) {
+               t := new(sqlIcebergTable)
+               err := tx.NewSelect().Model(t).
+                       Where("catalog_name = ?",
+                       Where("table_namespace = ?", strings.Join(ns, ".")).
+                       Where("table_name = ?", tbl).
+                       Scan(ctx)
+               if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
+                       return nil, nil
+               }
+               return t, err
+       })
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, err
+       }
+       switch {
+       case result == nil:
+               return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", catalog.ErrNoSuchTable, 
+       case !result.MetadataLocation.Valid:
+               return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s, metadata location is missing", 
catalog.ErrNoSuchTable, identifier)
+       }
+       tblProps := maps.Clone(c.props)
+       maps.Copy(props, tblProps)
+       iofs, err := io.LoadFS(tblProps, result.MetadataLocation.String)
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, err
+       }
+       return table.NewFromLocation(identifier, 
result.MetadataLocation.String, iofs)
+func (c *Catalog) DropTable(ctx context.Context, identifier table.Identifier) 
error {
+       ns := strings.Join(catalog.NamespaceFromIdent(identifier), ".")
+       tbl := catalog.TableNameFromIdent(identifier)
+       return withWriteTx(ctx, c.db, func(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx) 
error {
+               res, err := tx.NewDelete().Model(&sqlIcebergTable{
+                       CatalogName:,
+                       TableNamespace: ns,
+                       TableName:      tbl,
+               }).WherePK().Exec(ctx)
+               if err != nil {
+                       return err
+               }
+               n, err := res.RowsAffected()
+               if err != nil {
+                       return err
+               }
+               if n == 0 {
+                       return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", catalog.ErrNoSuchTable, 
+               }
+               return nil
+       })
+func (c *Catalog) RenameTable(ctx context.Context, from, to table.Identifier) 
(*table.Table, error) {
+       fromNs := strings.Join(catalog.NamespaceFromIdent(from), ".")
+       fromTbl := catalog.TableNameFromIdent(from)
+       toNs := strings.Join(catalog.NamespaceFromIdent(to), ".")
+       toTbl := catalog.TableNameFromIdent(to)
+       exists, err := c.namespaceExists(ctx, toNs)
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, err
+       }
+       if !exists {
+               return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", catalog.ErrNoSuchNamespace, 
+       }
+       err = withWriteTx(ctx, c.db, func(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx) error 
+               exists, err := tx.NewSelect().Model(&sqlIcebergTable{
+                       CatalogName:,
+                       TableNamespace: toNs,
+                       TableName:      toTbl,
+               }).WherePK().Exists(ctx)
+               if err != nil {
+                       return err
+               }
+               if exists {
+                       return catalog.ErrTableAlreadyExists
+               }
+               res, err := tx.NewUpdate().Model(&sqlIcebergTable{
+                       CatalogName:,
+                       TableNamespace: fromNs,
+                       TableName:      fromTbl,
+               }).WherePK().
+                       Set("table_namespace = ?", toNs).
+                       Set("table_name = ?", toTbl).
+                       Exec(ctx)
+               if err != nil {
+                       return err
+               }
+               n, err := res.RowsAffected()
+               if err != nil {
+                       return err
+               }
+               if n == 0 {
+                       return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", catalog.ErrNoSuchTable, 
+               }
+               return nil
+       })
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, err
+       }
+       return c.LoadTable(ctx, to, nil)
+func (c *Catalog) CreateNamespace(ctx context.Context, namespace 
table.Identifier, props iceberg.Properties) error {
+       if err := checkValidNamespace(namespace); err != nil {
+               return err
+       }
+       exists, err := c.namespaceExists(ctx, strings.Join(namespace, "."))
+       if err != nil {
+               return err
+       }
+       if exists {
+               return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", catalog.ErrNamespaceAlreadyExists, 
strings.Join(namespace, "."))
+       }
+       if len(props) == 0 {
+               props = minimalNamespaceProps
+       }
+       nsToCreate := strings.Join(namespace, ".")
+       return withWriteTx(ctx, c.db, func(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx) 
error {
+               toInsert := make([]sqlIcebergNamespaceProps, 0, len(props))
+               for k, v := range props {
+                       toInsert = append(toInsert, sqlIcebergNamespaceProps{
+                               CatalogName:,
+                               Namespace:     nsToCreate,
+                               PropertyKey:   k,
+                               PropertyValue: sql.NullString{String: v, Valid: 
+                       })
+               }
+               _, err := tx.NewInsert().Model(&toInsert).Exec(ctx)
+               return err
+       })
+func (c *Catalog) DropNamespace(ctx context.Context, namespace 
table.Identifier) error {
+       if err := checkValidNamespace(namespace); err != nil {
+               return err
+       }
+       nsToDelete := strings.Join(namespace, ".")
+       exists, err := c.namespaceExists(ctx, nsToDelete)
+       if err != nil {
+               return err
+       }
+       if !exists {
+               return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", catalog.ErrNoSuchNamespace, 
+       }
+       tbls, err := c.ListTables(ctx, namespace)
+       if err != nil {
+               return err
+       }
+       if len(tbls) > 0 {
+               return fmt.Errorf("%w: %d tables exist in namespace %s", 
catalog.ErrNamespaceNotEmpty, len(tbls), nsToDelete)
+       }
+       return withWriteTx(ctx, c.db, func(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx) 
error {
+               _, err := 
+                       Where("catalog_name = ?",
+                       Where("namespace = ?", nsToDelete).Exec(ctx)
+               return err
+       })
+func (c *Catalog) LoadNamespaceProperties(ctx context.Context, namespace 
table.Identifier) (iceberg.Properties, error) {
+       if err := checkValidNamespace(namespace); err != nil {
+               return nil, err
+       }
+       nsToLoad := strings.Join(namespace, ".")
+       exists, err := c.namespaceExists(ctx, nsToLoad)
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, err
+       }
+       if !exists {
+               return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", catalog.ErrNoSuchNamespace, 
+       }
+       return withReadTx(ctx, c.db, func(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx) 
(iceberg.Properties, error) {
+               var props []sqlIcebergNamespaceProps
+               err := tx.NewSelect().Model(&props).
+                       Where("catalog_name = ?",
+                       Where("namespace = ?", nsToLoad).Scan(ctx)
+               if err != nil {
+                       return nil, err
+               }
+               result := make(iceberg.Properties)
+               for _, p := range props {
+                       result[p.PropertyKey] = p.PropertyValue.String
+               }
+               return result, nil
+       })
+func (c *Catalog) ListTables(ctx context.Context, namespace table.Identifier) 
([]table.Identifier, error) {
+       if len(namespace) > 0 {
+               exists, err := c.namespaceExists(ctx, strings.Join(namespace, 
+               if err != nil {
+                       return nil, err
+               }
+               if !exists {
+                       return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", 
catalog.ErrNoSuchNamespace, strings.Join(namespace, "."))
+               }
+       }
+       ns := strings.Join(namespace, ".")
+       tables, err := withReadTx(ctx, c.db, func(ctx context.Context, tx 
bun.Tx) ([]sqlIcebergTable, error) {
+               var tables []sqlIcebergTable
+               err := tx.NewSelect().Model(&tables).
+                       Where("catalog_name = ?",
+                       Where("table_namespace = ?", ns).
+                       Scan(ctx)
+               return tables, err
+       })
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, err
+       }
+       ret := make([]table.Identifier, len(tables))
+       for i, t := range tables {
+               ret[i] = append(strings.Split(t.TableNamespace, "."), 
+       }
+       return ret, nil
+func (c *Catalog) ListNamespaces(ctx context.Context, parent table.Identifier) 
([]table.Identifier, error) {
+       tableQuery := c.db.NewSelect().Model((*sqlIcebergTable)(nil)).
+               Column("table_namespace").Where("catalog_name = ?",
+       nsQuery := c.db.NewSelect().Model((*sqlIcebergNamespaceProps)(nil)).
+               Column("namespace").Where("catalog_name = ?",
+       if len(parent) > 0 {
+               ns := strings.Join(parent, ".")
+               exists, err := c.namespaceExists(ctx, ns)
+               if err != nil {
+                       return nil, err
+               }
+               if !exists {
+                       return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", 
catalog.ErrNoSuchNamespace, strings.Join(parent, "."))
+               }
+               ns += "%"
+               tableQuery = tableQuery.Where("table_namespace like ?", ns)
+               nsQuery = nsQuery.Where("namespace like ?", ns)
+       }
+       namespaces, err := withReadTx(ctx, c.db, func(ctx context.Context, tx 
bun.Tx) ([]string, error) {
+               var namespaces []string
+               rows, err := tx.QueryContext(ctx, tableQuery.String()+" UNION 

Review Comment:
   It's due to the structure of the tables for this. The 
`iceberg_namespace_properties` table only contains entries for the *properties* 
of namespaces. If the namespace has no properties, then it won't exist in that 
table at all and we'd only find it by a table existing with that namespace in 
the `iceberg_tables` table.
   Likewise, if a namespace has no tables, we'd only find it by there being an 
entry in the namespace properties table. So we have to union between the two 
tables to ensure we capture both edge cases when checking for a namespace.
   This is also how it's implemented in pyiceberg

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