ebyhr commented on code in PR #11775:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11775#discussion_r1891598000

@@ -300,8 +300,7 @@ public <T> Literal<T> to(Type type) {
         case TIMESTAMP:
           return (Literal<T>) new TimestampLiteral(value());
         case TIMESTAMP_NANO:
-          // assume micros and convert to nanos to match the behavior in the 
timestamp case above
-          return new TimestampLiteral(value()).to(type);
+          return (Literal<T>) new TimestampNanoLiteral(value());

Review Comment:
   Thank you for sharing the context. What about other query engines? Actually, 
I found this issue when I was trying to support nanosecond precision in Trino 
Iceberg connector. As you may know, the max precision in Trino is picos (12). 

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