jwtryg commented on code in PR #146:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg-go/pull/146#discussion_r1890812959

@@ -80,20 +92,544 @@ type Metadata interface {
        SnapshotByName(name string) *Snapshot
        // CurrentSnapshot returns the table's current snapshot.
        CurrentSnapshot() *Snapshot
+       // Ref returns the snapshot ref for the main branch.
+       Ref() SnapshotRef
+       // Refs returns a map of snapshot refs by name.
+       Refs() iter.Seq2[string, SnapshotRef]
+       // SnapshotLogs returns the list of snapshot logs for the table.
+       SnapshotLogs() iter.Seq[SnapshotLogEntry]
        // SortOrder returns the table's current sort order, ie: the one with 
        // ID that matches the default-sort-order-id.
        SortOrder() SortOrder
        // SortOrders returns the list of sort orders in the table.
        SortOrders() []SortOrder
+       // DefaultSortOrder returns the ID of the current sort order that 
+       // should use by default.
+       DefaultSortOrder() int
        // Properties is a string to string map of table properties. This is 
        // to control settings that affect reading and writing and is not 
        // to be used for arbitrary metadata. For example, 
        // is used to control the number of commit retries.
        Properties() iceberg.Properties
+       // PreviousFiles returns the list of metadata log entries for the table.
+       PreviousFiles() iter.Seq[MetadataLogEntry]
        Equals(Metadata) bool
+type MetadataBuilder struct {
+       base    Metadata
+       updates []Update
+       // common fields
+       formatVersion      int
+       uuid               uuid.UUID
+       loc                string
+       lastUpdatedMS      int64
+       lastColumnId       int
+       schemaList         []*iceberg.Schema
+       currentSchemaID    int
+       specs              []iceberg.PartitionSpec
+       defaultSpecID      int
+       lastPartitionID    *int
+       props              iceberg.Properties
+       snapshotList       []Snapshot
+       currentSnapshotID  *int64
+       snapshotLog        []SnapshotLogEntry
+       metadataLog        []MetadataLogEntry
+       sortOrderList      []SortOrder
+       defaultSortOrderID int
+       refs               map[string]SnapshotRef
+       // V2 specific
+       lastSequenceNumber *int64
+func NewMetadataBuilder() (*MetadataBuilder, error) {
+       return &MetadataBuilder{
+               updates:       make([]Update, 0),
+               schemaList:    make([]*iceberg.Schema, 0),
+               specs:         make([]iceberg.PartitionSpec, 0),
+               props:         make(iceberg.Properties),
+               snapshotList:  make([]Snapshot, 0),
+               snapshotLog:   make([]SnapshotLogEntry, 0),
+               metadataLog:   make([]MetadataLogEntry, 0),
+               sortOrderList: make([]SortOrder, 0),
+               refs:          make(map[string]SnapshotRef),
+       }, nil
+func MetadataBuilderFromBase(metadata Metadata) (*MetadataBuilder, error) {
+       b := &MetadataBuilder{}
+       b.base = metadata
+       b.formatVersion = metadata.Version()
+       b.uuid = metadata.TableUUID()
+       b.loc = metadata.Location()
+       b.lastUpdatedMS = metadata.LastUpdatedMillis()
+       b.lastColumnId = metadata.LastColumnID()
+       b.schemaList = metadata.Schemas()
+       b.currentSchemaID = metadata.CurrentSchema().ID
+       b.specs = metadata.PartitionSpecs()
+       b.defaultSpecID = metadata.DefaultPartitionSpec()
+       b.lastPartitionID = metadata.LastPartitionSpecID()
+       b.props = metadata.Properties()
+       b.snapshotList = metadata.Snapshots()
+       b.currentSnapshotID = &metadata.CurrentSnapshot().SnapshotID
+       b.sortOrderList = metadata.SortOrders()
+       b.defaultSortOrderID = metadata.DefaultSortOrder()
+       b.refs = make(map[string]SnapshotRef)
+       for name, ref := range metadata.Refs() {
+               b.refs[name] = ref
+       }
+       b.snapshotLog = make([]SnapshotLogEntry, 0)
+       for log := range metadata.SnapshotLogs() {
+               b.snapshotLog = append(b.snapshotLog, log)
+       }
+       b.metadataLog = make([]MetadataLogEntry, 0)
+       for entry := range metadata.PreviousFiles() {
+               b.metadataLog = append(b.metadataLog, entry)
+       }
+       return b, nil
+func (b *MetadataBuilder) AddSchema(schema *iceberg.Schema, newLastColumnID 
int, initial bool) (*MetadataBuilder, error) {
+       if newLastColumnID < b.lastColumnId {
+               return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: newLastColumnID %d, must be >= %d", 
iceberg.ErrInvalidArgument, newLastColumnID, b.lastColumnId)
+       }
+       var schemas []*iceberg.Schema
+       if initial {
+               schemas = []*iceberg.Schema{schema}
+       } else {
+               schemas = append(b.schemaList, schema)
+       }
+       b.lastColumnId = newLastColumnID
+       b.schemaList = schemas
+       b.updates = append(b.updates, NewAddSchemaUpdate(schema, 
newLastColumnID, initial))
+       return b, nil
+func (b *MetadataBuilder) AddPartitionSpec(spec *iceberg.PartitionSpec, 
initial bool) (*MetadataBuilder, error) {
+       for _, s := range b.specs {
+               if s.ID() == spec.ID() && !initial {
+                       return nil, fmt.Errorf("partition spec with id %d 
already exists", spec.ID())
+               }
+       }
+       maxFieldID := 0
+       for f := range spec.Fields() {
+               maxFieldID = max(maxFieldID, f.FieldID)
+       }
+       prev := partitionFieldStartID - 1
+       if b.lastPartitionID != nil {
+               prev = *b.lastPartitionID
+       }
+       lastPartitionID := max(maxFieldID, prev)
+       var specs []iceberg.PartitionSpec
+       if initial {
+               specs = []iceberg.PartitionSpec{*spec}
+       } else {
+               specs = append(b.specs, *spec)
+       }
+       b.specs = specs
+       b.lastPartitionID = &lastPartitionID
+       b.updates = append(b.updates, NewAddPartitionSpecUpdate(spec, initial))
+       return b, nil
+func (b *MetadataBuilder) AddSnapshot(snapshot *Snapshot) (*MetadataBuilder, 
error) {
+       if snapshot == nil {
+               return nil, nil
+       }
+       if len(b.schemaList) == 0 {
+               return nil, errors.New("can't add snapshot with no added 
+       } else if len(b.specs) == 0 {
+               return nil, errors.New("can't add snapshot with no added 
partition specs")
+       } else if s, _ := b.SnapshotByID(snapshot.SnapshotID); s != nil {
+               return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't add snapshot with id %d, already 
exists", snapshot.SnapshotID)
+       } else if b.formatVersion == 2 &&
+               snapshot.SequenceNumber > 0 &&
+               snapshot.SequenceNumber <= *b.lastSequenceNumber &&
+               snapshot.ParentSnapshotID != nil {
+               return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't add snapshot with sequence number 
%d, must be > than last sequence number %d",
+                       snapshot.SequenceNumber, b.lastSequenceNumber)
+       }
+       b.updates = append(b.updates, NewAddSnapshotUpdate(snapshot))
+       b.lastUpdatedMS = snapshot.TimestampMs
+       b.lastSequenceNumber = &snapshot.SequenceNumber
+       b.snapshotList = append(b.snapshotList, *snapshot)
+       return b, nil
+func (b *MetadataBuilder) AddSortOrder(sortOrder *SortOrder, initial bool) 
(*MetadataBuilder, error) {
+       for _, s := range b.sortOrderList {
+               if s.OrderID == sortOrder.OrderID && !initial {
+                       return nil, fmt.Errorf("sort order with id %d already 
exists", sortOrder.OrderID)
+               }
+       }

Review Comment:
   Good idea! I have rewritten the logic a bit, instead of nesting the loop 
inside the if statement.

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