rdblue commented on code in PR #11811:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11811#discussion_r1890507433

@@ -36,7 +36,10 @@ public static void assertEquals(Types.StructType struct, 
Record expected, Record
             field.type(), expected.getField(expectedField.name()), 
       } else {
+        assertEquals(
+            field.type(),
+            GenericDataUtil.internalToGeneric(field.type(), 
+            actual.getField(field.name()));

Review Comment:
   This was the test bug. Rather than asserting that the value was passed back 
unchanged, it should have delegated to `assertEquals` that checks the 
representation of the value.
   The expected value (default) also needs to be converted to generic because 
the generic data model tests use the generic data model as the source 

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