ajreid21 commented on PR #11504:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11504#issuecomment-2547163579

   AzureProperties builds a map of account -> sasToken here when you create 
ADLSFileIO using `adls.sas-token.` as the credential mechanism. 
   Prior to this change, the account passed in 
 (which is used to lookup the sasToken from the map mentioned above) was parsed 
to include `.dfs.core.windows.net` so when generating the `adls.sas-token.` 
property to pass into ADLSFileIO, you needed to include `.dfs.core.windows.net` 
as part of the `adls.sas-token.` property name. After this change, we are 
parsing the ADLSLocation account to NOT include `adls.sas-token.`, so now the 
sasToken lookup from the map doesn't find the sasToken (unless the user updates 
their code to not include it in the property name anymore)...

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