ryzhyk opened a new issue, #811:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg-rust/issues/811

   I ran into a performance issue querying an Iceberg table in S3 via the 
datafusion provider.  The table was created using pyiceberg with the following 
   schema = Schema(
       NestedField(1, "id", LongType(), required=True),
       NestedField(2, "name", StringType(), required=False),
       NestedField(3, "b", BooleanType(), required=True),
       NestedField(4, "ts", TimestampType(), required=True),
       NestedField(5, "dt", DateType(), required=True),
   The table is partitioned by date extracted from the `ts` column:
   partition_spec = PartitionSpec(
           source_id=4, field_id=1000, transform=DayTransform(), name="date"
   There are 10,000,000 records in the table spread evenly across ~200 
partitions for dates between 2023-01-01 and 2023-08-02.
   I query the table using `iceberg-rust` via the datafusion table provider 
using range queries of the form:
   select * from my_table where ts >= timestamp '2023-01-05T00:00:00' and ts < 
timestamp '2023-01-06T00:00:00'
   I expect this query to be very efficient, as it only needs to read one 
partition, however in reality it takes about as long as scanning the entire 
table with `select * from my_table` (approximately 10 seconds). It looks like 
predicate pushdown doesn't work here for some reason.
   * Is this a performance issue in `iceberg-rust` or am I doing something 
   * Is there a better way to perform this query efficiently?
   I am using the latest `main` branch of this repo.
   Thanks in advance!

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