ZENOTME commented on PR #731:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg-rust/pull/731#issuecomment-2545020315

   > Thanks @ZENOTME 's effort. I saw that both java/python have schema with 
partner visitor:
   > 1. 
   > 2. 
   > I'm thinking that we should adopt similar design?
   I tried to adopt the SchemaWithPartner design, but I find the interface is 
not so general. 
 is not for array convert I think. To make it suitable for arrow array convert, 
I make some change to it:
   1. [Introduce ListIterator and 
 the control flow of list and map is not so suitable for arrow array convert. 
   2. array in arrow rust can be NullArray, so we need some preorder access 
before diving into the subcolumn. So I introduce `visit_type_before` to solve 

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