Jasonlaradsouza opened a new issue, #11795:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/issues/11795

   ### Apache Iceberg version
   ### Query engine
   ### Please describe the bug 🐞
   I'm getting Validation Exception :  Found new conflicting delete files that 
can apply to records matching true. while trying to write concurrently to the 
same iceberg table.
   The statement I'm using is MERGE INTO.
   I have already set the table properties to 
   "commit.retry.max-wait-ms" : "50000",
       "write.merge.isolation-level" : "snapshot",
       "write.delete.isolation-level" : "snapshot",
       "commit.retry.num-retries" : "3",
       "write.update.isolation-level" : "snapshot",
       "commit.retry.min-wait-ms" : "50000"
   These settings are not working. I'm not sure retries are happening as well. 
Please help resolve this issue.
   ### Willingness to contribute
   - [ ] I can contribute a fix for this bug independently
   - [ ] I would be willing to contribute a fix for this bug with guidance from 
the Iceberg community
   - [ ] I cannot contribute a fix for this bug at this time

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