zhjwpku commented on PR #8:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg-cpp/pull/8#issuecomment-2543402219

   > I think this PR makes too much assumptions that we will go with everything 
that the Arrow community chose. For instance this seems to decide the 
"exceptions vs status codes" question. Also decides which test framework to 
use, and additionally pulls in a number of macros too. I think at this point we 
should start conversations on these topics, maybe on the Slack channel or as 
github issues.
   > I myself planned to come up with the headers for basic classes like 
Catalog Table and such, but I'd personally prefer exceptions over status codes 
for many reasons. Method chaining is something I find really powerful in the 
Java implementation but with status codes you wouldn't be able to do that if 
you have to check the status for every function call. Not to mention that 
constantly checking for statuses would make the code less readable. Also 
Statuses would make the parameter list longer, not to mention that lines would 
be longer (which somewhat matters now that we went for 90 chars).
   > Long story short I'm -1 for this PR.
   This PR is not trying to decide which test framework to use, I have started 
a issue #12 where we can discuss the test framework.

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