salimpadela opened a new issue, #11789:

   ### Query engine
   how to pass predicate in where clause for rewrite_data_files using Pyspark? 
If it matters, i am using AWS Glue to execute this job.
   ### Question
   I cant seem to figure out what is wrong with the way I am passing where 
clause predicate in rewrite_data_files.
glue_catalog.system.rewrite_data_files(table=>'my-awesome-table', where => 
"col1 IN ('CT') AND col2 IN (5) AND year(CAST(col3 as DATE)) IN (1990)",  
strategy => 'binpack', options => map('min-input-files', '2'))")
   Error Category: UNCLASSIFIED_ERROR; Failed Line Number: 3550; 
IllegalArgumentException: Cannot translate Spark expression: ((col1#50421 INSET 
CT AND col2#50422 INSET 10) AND year(cast(col3#50424 as date)) INSET 1990) to 
data source filter
   If i don't pass `AND year(CAST(col3 as DATE)) IN (1990)` in the where 
clause, it works fine.
   what am I missing here?

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