szehon-ho commented on code in PR #10981:

@@ -584,8 +589,8 @@ The schema of a manifest file is a struct called 
`manifest_entry` with the follo
 | _optional_ | _optional_ | _optional_ | **`110  null_value_counts`**      | 
`map<121: int, 122: long>`                                                  | 
Map from column id to number of null values in the column                       
 | _optional_ | _optional_ | _optional_ | **`137  nan_value_counts`**       | 
`map<138: int, 139: long>`                                                  | 
Map from column id to number of NaN values in the column                        
 | _optional_ | _optional_ | _optional_ | **`111  distinct_counts`**        | 
`map<123: int, 124: long>`                                                  | 
Map from column id to number of distinct values in the column; distinct counts 
must be derived using values in the file by counting or using sketches, but not 
using methods like merging existing distinct counts |
-| _optional_ | _optional_ | _optional_ | **`125  lower_bounds`**           | 
`map<126: int, 127: binary>`                                                | 
Map from column id to lower bound in the column serialized as binary [1]. Each 
value must be less than or equal to all non-null, non-NaN values in the column 
for the file [2]                                     |
-| _optional_ | _optional_ | _optional_ | **`128  upper_bounds`**           | 
`map<129: int, 130: binary>`                                                | 
Map from column id to upper bound in the column serialized as binary [1]. Each 
value must be greater than or equal to all non-null, non-Nan values in the 
column for the file [2]                                  |
+| _optional_ | _optional_ | _optional_ | **`125  lower_bounds`**           | 
`map<126: int, 127: binary>`                                                | 
Map from column id to lower bound in the column serialized as binary [1]. Each 
value must be less than or equal to all non-null, non-NaN values in the column 
for the file [2]. See [7] for`geometry` and [8] for `geography`.  |
+| _optional_ | _optional_ | _optional_ | **`128  upper_bounds`**           | 
`map<129: int, 130: binary>`                                                | 
Map from column id to upper bound in the column serialized as binary [1]. Each 
value must be greater than or equal to all non-null, non-Nan values in the 
column for the file [2]. See [9] for `geometry` and [10] for `geography`. |

Review Comment:
   @jiayuasu trying to look back on the commit history and cant find it.  I 
think it was always this one (in the notes 9, 10, not here):  
   ```this is a point: X = westernmost bound of all geometries in file, Y = 
northernmost bound of all geometries in file, Z is min value for all component 
points of all geometries in the file, M is min value of all component points of 
all geometries in the file. See Appendix D for encoding.  ```
   Let me know if something else need to be added though.

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