jaakla commented on issue #10260:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/issues/10260#issuecomment-2541099197

   IMHO the concept of SPATIAL_REF_SYS, (and the other geo metadata tables) is 
a bit legacy from the times when (1) storage was really expensive and (2) 
databases did not have proper ways to add rich semantic metadata to the 
tables/columns. Today we don't have either problem - the modern table 
approaches (like Iceberg) do allow rich metadata attached properly directly to 
each relevant table, in space-effective way, no physical need of creating 
additional metadata tables and think of additional effort to take care of 
these. Maybe for some legacy clients you want virtual views, just for 
compatibility purposes. 
   Here for me the question is on clear definition content and readability of 
that metadata. I dont currently really work with specialized geodata, I'm in 
"normal IT business" and here explicit (or even default/implied) definition of 
a `named_crs='OGC:CRS84'` would cover basically all the specific geo-metadata 
CRS needs. As you can see from geojson (or KML) popularity and history, only 
specific domain of geospatial scientists and land survey etc do care about 
anything else, for the others "correct" axis order and knowing how to do 
Havershine properly does the job. 

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