nicor88 commented on issue #1404:

   It looks like that the warehouse location of those S3 tables doesn't support 
List operations.
   I tried to point my local warehouse (using SQLite) to the warehouse location 
of an S3 table, just to validate if all could work, and I got this error:
   > # AWS Error UNKNOWN (HTTP status 405) during ListObjectsV2 operation: 
Unable to parse ExceptionName: MethodNotAllowed Message: The specified method 
is not allowed against this resource.
   The issue seems to come from pyarrow, that does this check:
   if not overwrite and self.exists() is True:
       raise FileExistsError(f"Cannot create file, already exists: 
   output_file = self._filesystem.open_output_stream(self._path, 
   The `self.exists()`, triggers under the hood a list operation, that it's not 

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