liurenjie1024 commented on code in PR #665:

@@ -1012,6 +1053,33 @@ impl Datum {
+    /// Try to create a decimal literal from [`Decimal`] with precision.
+    ///
+    /// Example:
+    ///
+    /// ```rust
+    /// use iceberg::spec::Datum;
+    /// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
+    ///
+    /// let t = Datum::decimal_with_precision(Decimal::new(123, 2), 
+    ///
+    /// assert_eq!(&format!("{t}"), "1.23");
+    /// ```
+    pub fn decimal_with_precision(value: impl Into<Decimal>, precision: u32) 
-> Result<Self> {
+        let decimal = value.into();
+        let scale = decimal.scale();
+        let r#type = Type::decimal(precision, scale)?;
+        if let Type::Primitive(p) = r#type {
+            Ok(Self {
+                r#type: p,
+                literal: PrimitiveLiteral::Int128(decimal.mantissa()),

Review Comment:
   This is incorrect, we need to validate that the precision is large enough to 
hold this value. For example, if the input decimal is `123456789`, and the 
required precision is 4, then we should throw an error here.

@@ -3031,6 +3061,31 @@ mod tests {
         check_avro_bytes_serde(bytes, Datum::string("iceberg"), 
+    #[test]
+    fn avro_bytes_decimal() {

Review Comment:
   > do you have an idea why we always pick up the max precision here?
   IIRC, this is because `Decimal` is 128 bit and fits into max precision.
   > Should we have an API like decimal_with_precision that allow users to 
specify the precision they want?

@@ -1451,13 +1451,15 @@ mod _serde {
-    fn to_bytes_entry(v: impl IntoIterator<Item = (i32, Datum)>) -> 
Vec<BytesEntry> {
-        v.into_iter()
-            .map(|e| BytesEntry {
-                key: e.0,
-                value: e.1.to_bytes(),
-            })
-            .collect()
+    fn to_bytes_entry(v: impl IntoIterator<Item = (i32, Datum)>) -> 
Result<Vec<BytesEntry>, Error> {
+        let mut bs = vec![];

Review Comment:
   nit: It would be better to preallocate with iterator's size

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