kevinjqliu commented on issue #1306:

   > The final release process should look something like this:
   > * prepare local branch for release (main for major/minor, branch for patch 
   > * Create and push tag with RC (e.g. 0.8.1rc1)
   > * Tag push automatically triggers the GitHub Action
   > * Github action builds artifacts for both SVN and PyPI
   > * Download the SVN artifact, create checksum and signature, and upload to 
SVN dev dist
   > * Download Pypi artifact and upload it to PyPi
   > * Send vote email
   > * Once passed, download the artifact from SVN dev dist, upload it to SVN 
release dist, and PyPI
   > * If a new RC is needed, create and push another tag with RC (e.g. 
   This can be further simplified with `make publish-rc`, which takes input 
`VERSION` and `RC`. Creates RC artifacts and publish to SVN and PyPi
   * Create the tag based on the current branch. 
   * Checks `main` branch is used for major/minor, and the feature branch is 
used for patch i.e. `0.8.x`.
   * Push tag to trigger GitHub action run
   * Watch run
   * Download artifacts
   * Sign/Checksum/Upload to svn
   * Upload to PyPI
   After the vote passes, use `make promote-rc`, which takes input `VERSION` 
and `RC`. Download RC artifact from dev SVN, upload to release SVN and PyPi
   * Download artifacts from SVN
   * Upload to svn
    * Upload to PyPi

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