danielcweeks commented on code in PR #11388:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11388#discussion_r1868017844

@@ -397,4 +412,155 @@ public UnboundFunction loadFunction(Identifier ident) 
throws NoSuchFunctionExcep
       return getSessionCatalog().loadFunction(ident);
+  @Override
+  public Identifier[] listViews(String... namespace) {
+    try {
+      if (null != asViewCatalog) {
+        return asViewCatalog.listViews(namespace);
+      } else if (isViewCatalog()) {
+        getSessionCatalog().listViews(namespace);
+      }
+    } catch (NoSuchNamespaceException e) {
+      throw new RuntimeException(e);
+    }
+    return new Identifier[0];
+  }
+  @Override
+  public View loadView(Identifier ident) throws NoSuchViewException {
+    if (null != asViewCatalog && asViewCatalog.viewExists(ident)) {
+      return asViewCatalog.loadView(ident);
+    } else if (isViewCatalog() && getSessionCatalog().viewExists(ident)) {
+      return getSessionCatalog().loadView(ident);
+    }
+    throw new NoSuchViewException(ident);
+  }
+  @Override
+  public View createView(
+      Identifier ident,
+      String sql,
+      String currentCatalog,
+      String[] currentNamespace,
+      StructType schema,
+      String[] queryColumnNames,
+      String[] columnAliases,
+      String[] columnComments,
+      Map<String, String> properties)
+      throws ViewAlreadyExistsException, NoSuchNamespaceException {
+    if (null != asViewCatalog) {
+      return asViewCatalog.createView(
+          ident,
+          sql,
+          currentCatalog,
+          currentNamespace,
+          schema,
+          queryColumnNames,
+          columnAliases,
+          columnComments,
+          properties);
+    } else if (isViewCatalog()) {
+      return getSessionCatalog()
+          .createView(
+              ident,
+              sql,
+              currentCatalog,
+              currentNamespace,
+              schema,
+              queryColumnNames,
+              columnAliases,
+              columnComments,
+              properties);
+    }
+    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
+        "Creating a view is not supported by catalog: " + catalogName);
+  }
+  @Override
+  public View replaceView(
+      Identifier ident,
+      String sql,
+      String currentCatalog,
+      String[] currentNamespace,
+      StructType schema,
+      String[] queryColumnNames,
+      String[] columnAliases,
+      String[] columnComments,
+      Map<String, String> properties)
+      throws NoSuchNamespaceException, NoSuchViewException {
+    if (asViewCatalog instanceof SupportsReplaceView) {
+      return ((SupportsReplaceView) asViewCatalog)
+          .replaceView(
+              ident,
+              sql,
+              currentCatalog,
+              currentNamespace,
+              schema,
+              queryColumnNames,
+              columnAliases,
+              columnComments,
+              properties);
+    } else if (isViewCatalog()) {
+      try {
+        getSessionCatalog().dropView(ident);

Review Comment:
   I'm not sure if we want to allow this.  If a catalog implementation doesn't 
support replace view, this could technically be a lossy operation.  For 
example, if someone has `DROP` but not `CREATE` permissions, then we would drop 
the view and not be able to create leaving this in a bad state.  I feel like 
it's safer to just fail and require that the user perform the drop.

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