anmol commented on code in PR #9641:

@@ -52,20 +51,22 @@ public IcebergWriter(Table table, String tableName, 
IcebergSinkConfig config) {
   private void initNewWriter() {
     this.writer = Utilities.createTableWriter(table, tableName, config);
-    // FIXME: update this when the record converter is added
-    //  this.recordConverter = new RecordConverter(table, config);
+    this.recordConverter = new RecordConverter(table, config);

Review Comment:
   Hi @bryanck - Following up on my previous comment. We are able to implement 
a fix locally to handle the edge case arising from EqualityDeletes ignoring the 
related insert data files in the same commit. 
   I have used `v0.6.15` as base because that is the max version we can use in 
MSK Connect due to Kafka version limitation. However, this would apply for 
`v0.6.19` as well.
   The idea is to treat the envelope containing equality deletes as a 
standalone commit. I am also willing to work on the equalityDeletes for this 
repo and we can discuss the concerns/challenges which need to be addressed in 
adding the feature.

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