pvary commented on code in PR #11497:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11497#discussion_r1867119084

@@ -40,17 +41,17 @@ public class DeleteFilesProcessor extends 
     implements OneInputStreamOperator<String, Void> {
   private static final Logger LOG = 
-  private final String taskIndex;
+  private final String tableName;
   private final String taskName;
+  private final int taskIndex;
   private final SupportsBulkOperations io;
-  private final String tableName;
   private final Set<String> filesToDelete = Sets.newHashSet();
   private final int batchSize;
   private transient Counter failedCounter;
   private transient Counter succeededCounter;
-  public DeleteFilesProcessor(int taskIndex, String taskName, Table table, int 
batchSize) {
+  public DeleteFilesProcessor(Table table, String taskName, int taskIndex, int 
batchSize) {

Review Comment:
   There are multiple places where we have these method parameters. Since we 
are in the early stages, I have decided to standardize the order. Starting from 
the widest going to the narrowest filter

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