wypoon commented on code in PR #11661:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11661#discussion_r1866755885

@@ -46,122 +47,217 @@ public VectorizedParquetDefinitionLevelReader(
     super(bitWidth, maxDefLevel, readLength, setArrowValidityVector);
-  abstract class NumericBaseReader {
-    public void nextBatch(
+  abstract class CommonBaseReader {
+    protected void nextCommonBatch(
         final FieldVector vector,
         final int startOffset,
         final int typeWidth,
         final int numValsToRead,
         NullabilityHolder nullabilityHolder,
-        ValuesAsBytesReader valuesReader) {
-      int bufferIdx = startOffset;
+        ValuesReader valuesReader,
+        Dictionary dict) {
+      int idx = startOffset;
       int left = numValsToRead;
       while (left > 0) {
         if (currentCount == 0) {
         int numValues = Math.min(left, currentCount);
+        byte[] byteArray = null;
+        if (typeWidth > -1) {

Review Comment:
   That is correct. We initialize a byte array and it gets passed to 
`nextRleBatch` and `nextPackedBatch`; these two methods are abstract and 
overridden by `NumericBaseReader` and `BaseReader`; in `NumericBaseReader`, 
these two methods simply ignore the `byteArray` that is passed.

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