flyrain commented on code in PR #11551:

@@ -245,5 +247,16 @@ void applyEqDelete(ColumnarBatch columnarBatch) {
+    ColumnarBatch removeExtraColumns(

Review Comment:
   It would be helpful to keep the following comments as part of the JavaDoc 
for the method to provide clarity and context:
        * Removes extra columns added for processing equality delete filters 
that are not part of the
        * final query output.
        * <p>
        * During query execution, additional columns may be included in the 
schema to evaluate equality
        * delete filters. For example, if the table schema contains columns C1, 
C2, C3, C4, and C5, and
        * the query is 'SELECT C5 FROM table' while equality delete filters are 
applied on C3 and C4,
        * the processing schema includes C5, C3, and C4. These extra columns 
(C3 and C4) are needed
        * to identify rows to delete but are not included in the final result.
        * <p>
        * This method removes these extra columns from the end of {@code 
arrowColumnVectors}, ensuring
        * only the expected columns remain.
        * @param arrowColumnVectors the array of column vectors representing 
query result data
        * @param columnarBatch the original {@code ColumnarBatch} containing 
query results
        * @return a new {@code ColumnarBatch} with extra columns removed, or 
the original batch if no
        *         extra columns were found

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