Akeron-Zhu commented on issue #11617:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/issues/11617#issuecomment-2510526449

   > Depends on the query, there are some finicky details there but sometimes 
(especially in early versions of Iceberg and Spark) predicates don't translate 
   > Iceberg does support Predicate Pushdown, the rules are just slightly 
different but in general if the types match up correctly everything should be 
exactly the same.
   Thanks for you answer. I read Spark 3.3.3 source code after I encounter this 
problem and find that there is a special hive client in the code, the special 
hive client  also has a special rule named PruneHiveTablePartitions which used 
to prune hive table partitions. Does iceberg support prune partitions or any 
rule like this?

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