kevinjqliu opened a new pull request, #1384:

   [pyiceberg 0.8.1 proposal on 
   ## 0.8.1 Release Note
   The behavior of `` is changed to return the table name **without 
the catalog name**. This is a broader effort to remove references to the 
catalog name in pyiceberg. 
   * Replace usage of `Table.identifier` with `` which returns the 
table name without the catalog name
   * Replace the use of a deprecated function 
(`identifier_to_tuple_without_catalog`) in pyiceberg; remove unnecessary 
   Documentation updates are included to reflect the updated process in
   * Update “how to release” documentation
   * 0.8.0 post-release steps
   Bug fixes
   * Fix `add_files` for parquet files without column stats
   * Allow leading underscore in column name used in row filter
   * Ignore tables without table_type property from Glue and Hive
   * Write `null` in manifest list metadata when there is no parent-snapshot-id
   Remove upper bound restrictions for dependency libraries; allow early 
testing of new versions
   * Remove Python library version upper bound restriction; allow Python 3.13
   * Remove fsspec library version upper bound restriction
   ## Commits
   [36 new commits since the `0.8.0` 
   12 new commits will be included in 0.8.1
   * 11 commits cherry-picked as bug fixes (listed below)
   *  1 
 to bump version to `0.8.1`
   ### 11 bug fixes (cherry-picked)
   acbd071 Write `null` when there is no parent-snapshot-id (#1383)
   bb078cf Add instruction for patch release (#1373)
   ab43c6c fix `KeyError` raised by `add_files` when parquet file doe not have 
column stats (#1354)
   cc1ab2c Improve documentation for "how to release" (#1359)
   64dc6fe Remove Python 3.13 upper bound restriction (#1355)
   d86ab6e Allow leading underscore in column name used in row filter (#1358)
   7a4734e Replace reference of `Table.identifier` with `` (#1346)
   a66ddc0 Ignore tables without `table_type` from Glue and Hive (#1332)
   2cbc77d Drop upper bounds for fsspec and it's implementations (#1341)
   7660a5b 0.8.0 post release steps (#1334)
   b2f0a9e use the non-deprecated func (#1326)
   ### 9 features (not cherry-picked)
   b4395ed Extend bugfix report (#1380)
   3230186 Update `upload-artifact` to use v4 (#1371)
   3b559c4 Deprecate the use of `last-column-id` (#1367)
   6316900 check mkdocs build strict in CI (#1360)
   8e0e6a1 dont override global warning (#1350)
   12e87a4 Boto Glue standard retry policy with configuration (#1307)
   150fa0c Set default for `SortField`'s `transform`  (#1347)
   5f0f770 Remove deprecated `datetime` functions (#1134)
   a90c014 Tests: Bump Spark to 3.5.3 (#1322)
   ### 16 misc (not cherry-picked)
   7fe8fdc Bump Poetry to 1.8.4 (#1379)
   1e9bdc2 Bump pypa/cibuildwheel from 2.21.3 to 2.22.0 (#1374)
   8f6a3d4 Bump coverage from 7.6.7 to 7.6.8 (#1375)
   d5fa615 Bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.45 to 9.5.46 (#1376)
   c21aefd Bump getdaft from 0.3.13 to 0.3.14 (#1361)
   e8e0037 Bump pydantic from 2.10.0 to 2.10.1 (#1364)
   7a83695 Bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.44 to 9.5.45 (#1351)
   15cfc51 Bump pydantic from 2.9.1 to 2.10.0 (#1352)
   102a3bb Bump `pre-commit` versions (#1344)
   93ebd39 Bump deptry from 0.21.0 to 0.21.1 (#1342)
   a2b11de Bump mypy-boto3-glue from 1.35.53 to 1.35.65 (#1343)
   7ecfa71 Bump moto from 5.0.20 to 5.0.21 (#1339)
   42145f1 Bump aiohttp from 3.10.5 to 3.10.11 (#1338)
   b4c43b0 Bump coverage from 7.6.5 to 7.6.7 (#1329)
   1cbf429 Bump mkdocstrings from 0.26.2 to 0.27.0 (#1324)
   60800d8 Bump coverage from 7.6.4 to 7.6.5 (#1325)

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