pvary commented on code in PR #11662:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11662#discussion_r1860565686

@@ -136,6 +137,27 @@ public void testProcessElement(StatisticsType type) throws 
Exception {
+  @ParameterizedTest
+  @EnumSource(StatisticsType.class)
+  public void testProcessElementWithNull(StatisticsType type) throws Exception 
+      DataStatisticsOperator operator = createOperator(type, 
+      try (OneInputStreamOperatorTestHarness<RowData, StatisticsOrRecord> 
testHarness =
+                     createHarness(operator)) {
+          StateInitializationContext stateContext = getStateContext();
+          operator.initializeState(stateContext);
+          operator.processElement(new StreamRecord<>(GenericRowData.of(null, 
+          operator.processElement(new 
StreamRecord<>(GenericRowData.of(StringData.fromString("a"), 3)));
+          DataStatistics localStatistics = operator.localStatistics();
+          SortKeySerializer sortKeySerializer = new 
SortKeySerializer(Fixtures.SCHEMA, Fixtures.SORT_ORDER);
+          DataStatisticsSerializer taskStatisticsSerializer = new 
+          DataOutputSerializer outputView = new DataOutputSerializer(1024);
+          taskStatisticsSerializer.serialize(localStatistics, outputView);
+          testHarness.endInput();

Review Comment:
   We should check if the resulting statistics is correct

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