sandcobainer opened a new issue, #1328:

   ### Question
   Context: So I'm trying to run a simple proof of concept with PyIceberg, Hive 
Metastore (with an SQL dump as a hive metastore schema) and an S3 bucket of 
iceberg tables. I setup a docker compose file with mysql and hive metastore and 
the containers seem to be running fine. I am able to read the catalog, 
databases and tables with 
   `catalog = HiveCatalog(
           "s3.access-key-id":"fake key",
           "s3.secret-access-key":"fake access key"
   [('default',), ('default_database',), ('tenantdb',), ('test',), ('testdb',)]
   [('tenantdb', 'pinglogs'), ('tenantdb', 'pinglogs1'), ('tenantdb', 
'pinglogs_bad'), ('tenantdb', 'pinglogs2'), ('tenantdb', 'pinglogs3')]
   Issue: Running `pinglogs = catalog.load_table('tenantdb.pinglogs')` raises a 
validation error
   `ValidationError: 1 validation error for TableMetadataWrapper
    Invalid JSON: EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 0 
[type=json_invalid, input_value='', input_type=str]"`
   I looked at the metadata json and can confirm it's a valid json file. Is 
there a way to debug what the downloaded metadata looks like or what else to 
pass to `load_table`?

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