ZENOTME commented on code in PR #349:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg-rust/pull/349#discussion_r1844241268

@@ -122,6 +189,387 @@ impl<'a> Transaction<'a> {
+/// FastAppendAction is a transaction action for fast append data files to the 
+pub struct FastAppendAction<'a> {
+    snapshot_produce_action: SnapshotProduceAction<'a>,
+impl<'a> FastAppendAction<'a> {
+    #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
+    pub(crate) fn new(
+        tx: Transaction<'a>,
+        parent_snapshot_id: Option<i64>,
+        snapshot_id: i64,
+        schema: Schema,
+        schema_id: i32,
+        format_version: FormatVersion,
+        partition_spec: Arc<BoundPartitionSpec>,
+        key_metadata: Vec<u8>,
+        commit_uuid: String,
+        snapshot_properties: HashMap<String, String>,
+    ) -> Result<Self> {
+        Ok(Self {
+            snapshot_produce_action: SnapshotProduceAction::new(
+                tx,
+                snapshot_id,
+                parent_snapshot_id,
+                schema_id,
+                format_version,
+                partition_spec,
+                schema,
+                key_metadata,
+                commit_uuid,
+                snapshot_properties,
+            )?,
+        })
+    }
+    /// Add data files to the snapshot.
+    pub fn add_data_files(
+        &mut self,
+        data_files: impl IntoIterator<Item = DataFile>,
+    ) -> Result<&mut Self> {
+        self.snapshot_produce_action.add_data_files(data_files)?;
+        Ok(self)
+    }
+    /// Finished building the action and apply it to the transaction.
+    pub async fn apply(self) -> Result<Transaction<'a>> {
+        self.snapshot_produce_action
+            .apply(FastAppendOperation, DefaultManifestProcess)
+            .await
+    }
+struct FastAppendOperation;
+impl SnapshotProduceOperation for FastAppendOperation {
+    fn operation(&self) -> Operation {
+        Operation::Append
+    }
+    async fn delete_entries(
+        &self,
+        _snapshot_produce: &SnapshotProduceAction<'_>,
+    ) -> Result<Vec<ManifestEntry>> {
+        Ok(vec![])
+    }
+    async fn existing_manifest(
+        &self,
+        snapshot_produce: &SnapshotProduceAction<'_>,
+    ) -> Result<Vec<ManifestFile>> {
+        let Some(snapshot) = snapshot_produce
+            .parent_snapshot_id
+            .and_then(|id| 
+        else {
+            return Ok(vec![]);
+        };
+        let manifest_list = snapshot
+            .load_manifest_list(
+                snapshot_produce.tx.table.file_io(),
+                &snapshot_produce.tx.table.metadata_ref(),
+            )
+            .await?;
+        Ok(manifest_list
+            .entries()
+            .iter()
+            .filter(|entry| {
+                entry.has_added_files()
+                    || entry.has_existing_files()
+                    || entry.added_snapshot_id == snapshot_produce.snapshot_id

Review Comment:
   For this check, explanation comes from @Fokko 
   > We've copied this from the Java code: 
   > I don't think this is used in PyIceberg today. In Java it is possible to 
add existing manifests to a commit, while in PyIceberg we only accept 
datafiles. This is on purpose since the ability to add manifests also comes 
with problems of its own.
   I think this check is also useless for iceberg-rust right now. To avoid 
confusion, maybe we should:
   1. Add a comment to explain it 
   2. Or discard it now and add it back when we support adding existing 
manifests like java.

@@ -122,6 +189,387 @@ impl<'a> Transaction<'a> {
+/// FastAppendAction is a transaction action for fast append data files to the 
+pub struct FastAppendAction<'a> {
+    snapshot_produce_action: SnapshotProduceAction<'a>,
+impl<'a> FastAppendAction<'a> {
+    #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
+    pub(crate) fn new(
+        tx: Transaction<'a>,
+        parent_snapshot_id: Option<i64>,
+        snapshot_id: i64,
+        schema: Schema,
+        schema_id: i32,
+        format_version: FormatVersion,
+        partition_spec: Arc<BoundPartitionSpec>,
+        key_metadata: Vec<u8>,
+        commit_uuid: String,
+        snapshot_properties: HashMap<String, String>,
+    ) -> Result<Self> {
+        Ok(Self {
+            snapshot_produce_action: SnapshotProduceAction::new(
+                tx,
+                snapshot_id,
+                parent_snapshot_id,
+                schema_id,
+                format_version,
+                partition_spec,
+                schema,
+                key_metadata,
+                commit_uuid,
+                snapshot_properties,
+            )?,
+        })
+    }
+    /// Add data files to the snapshot.
+    pub fn add_data_files(
+        &mut self,
+        data_files: impl IntoIterator<Item = DataFile>,
+    ) -> Result<&mut Self> {
+        self.snapshot_produce_action.add_data_files(data_files)?;
+        Ok(self)
+    }
+    /// Finished building the action and apply it to the transaction.
+    pub async fn apply(self) -> Result<Transaction<'a>> {
+        self.snapshot_produce_action
+            .apply(FastAppendOperation, DefaultManifestProcess)
+            .await
+    }
+struct FastAppendOperation;
+impl SnapshotProduceOperation for FastAppendOperation {
+    fn operation(&self) -> Operation {
+        Operation::Append
+    }
+    async fn delete_entries(
+        &self,
+        _snapshot_produce: &SnapshotProduceAction<'_>,
+    ) -> Result<Vec<ManifestEntry>> {
+        Ok(vec![])
+    }
+    async fn existing_manifest(
+        &self,
+        snapshot_produce: &SnapshotProduceAction<'_>,
+    ) -> Result<Vec<ManifestFile>> {
+        let Some(snapshot) = snapshot_produce
+            .parent_snapshot_id
+            .and_then(|id| 
+        else {
+            return Ok(vec![]);
+        };
+        let manifest_list = snapshot
+            .load_manifest_list(
+                snapshot_produce.tx.table.file_io(),
+                &snapshot_produce.tx.table.metadata_ref(),
+            )
+            .await?;
+        Ok(manifest_list
+            .entries()
+            .iter()
+            .filter(|entry| {
+                entry.has_added_files()
+                    || entry.has_existing_files()
+                    || entry.added_snapshot_id == snapshot_produce.snapshot_id

Review Comment:
   For this check, explanation comes from @Fokko 
   > We've copied this from the Java code: 
   > I don't think this is used in PyIceberg today. In Java it is possible to 
add existing manifests to a commit, while in PyIceberg we only accept 
datafiles. This is on purpose since the ability to add manifests also comes 
with problems of its own.
   I think this check is also useless for iceberg-rust now. To avoid confusion, 
maybe we should:
   1. Add a comment to explain it 
   2. Or discard it now and add it back when we support adding existing 
manifests like java.

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