On 2018-04-24 17:44, Ted Lemon wrote:
> On Apr 24, 2018, at 11:30 AM, Dave O'Reilly <d...@daveor.com
> <mailto:d...@daveor.com>> wrote:
>> Could you give me an example of when you think it would be
>> appropriate to log source port and when it would not be?
> It's not appropriate to log source port if there's no potential for
> abuse by the connecting party, or if the potential for abuse by the
> connecting party is small compared to the potential for abuse by the
> consumer of the log information.   As has been mentioned previously,
> it may make sense to log source port when accepting posts from an end
> user, or when taking orders, or in similar situations.   But to use
> the example Amelia gave, if I go to Wikipedia and start reading
> articles and clicking on links, it isn't appropriate to log the source
> port.   If I am reading a newspaper, it is not appropriate to log
> anything about my reading habits (although in this case cookies are
> likely more of a problem than source port).   It's possible that some
> government somewhere would disagree; if they do, that's fine, but it's
> not the IETF's role to promote or enable this behavior.

Christian Huitema gave this example(!) but his e-mail reflects concerns
that I would also raise, and want to be taken into account when drafting
any logging recommendations.



> To continue the Wikipedia example, Wikipedia does in fact ban IP
> addresses when abusive behavior is exhibited by some person using that
> IP address.   I don't think there would be a particular problem
> extending this to ports as well, although it might not actually be all
> that useful if they are randomized by the CGN.   I don't know if
> Wikipedia logs this information for law enforcement use, but if they
> do, then logging the source port as well _in these situations_ would
> make sense, even though logging it when the end user is simply reading
> pages would not.
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Amelia Andersdotter
Technical Consultant, Digital Programme


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