
Answering below!!

> El 17 jun 2020, a las 15:09, Niels Dettenbach <n...@syndicat.com> escribió:
> Am Mittwoch, 17. Juni 2020, 14:39:36 CEST schrieb ego...@sarenet.es:
>> Although we at present, are not running Cyrus Caldav/Carddav, Davical
>> instead (it comes from long time ago), we are running Roundcube. I adapted
>> the Caldav Kolab plugin in order to even support Free/Busy and for fixing
>> some bug… I should have uploaded it to Github or wherever, but I have not
>> have time for getting it ready for that. By the way, it’s not done for
>> Roundcube 1.4. It’s for Roundcube 1.3. We even use Caldavzap (with a lot
>> of js work too) with Roundcube as tasks plugin too.
> Thanks for that tip,
> but it seems requiring PHP5 (which is obsolete today) and don't get any 
> secuity updates anymore.

You could get it working with PHP7…. It has some work… but you can….


> It seems that even many other famous open source projects for CalDAV/CardDAV 
> servers stacks are still more maintained - including i.e. Apples Darwin 
> Calendar Servers (DCS):
> https://www.calendarserver.org/
> We use Cyrus IMAP with Horde5 to provide CalDAV/CardDAV as "MS Exchange Sync" 
> emulation ("newer ActiveSync") "out of one box" plus a "nice" (responsive) 
> Groupware web GUI, but the Calendar / Adressbook server stack is still used 
> from Horde (on SQL) while Cyrus serves the Emails for Horde only. Horde5 now 
> works on PHP7.x and is still maintained.
> It would be nice to get that Horde5 stack completely run with Cyrus as this 
> would offer even more compatibility / protocols as the very known "Cyrus 
> robustness"...ß) ...and on the longer run Horde out of the path for 
> compatible clients / users.
> just my .02$
> niels.
> -- 
> ---
> Niels Dettenbach
> Syndicat IT & Internet
> http://www.syndicat.com
> PGP: https://syndicat.com/pub_key.asc
> ---

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