You should be able to set

implicit_owner_rights: lkxa

Keep in mind that rights are inherited from their parents, so you will have to change existing mailboxes using SETACL, or by shutting down Cyrus, dumping mailboxes.db to a test file, editing the entries and then undumping the database.  If you've never done the latter, I WOULD NOT recommend doing it without first making a backup copy of mailboxes.db.

On 5/19/20 3:20 AM, Marco wrote:

 is there a way to remove by default the "n" ACL from newly created mailboxes?

When I "GETACL" I would like to see "lrswipkxtecda" only.

I tried with

    suppress_capabilities: ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1

but it's not sufficient.

I would like to remove the "n" ACL because some of our softwares used to Cyrus 2.4 now claim about an unknown ACL.

Thank you very much
Kind Regards

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Kenneth Murchison
Senior Software Developer
Fastmail US LLC

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