Many many many many thanks a lot Brong!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
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El 11-02-2019 15:19, Bron Gondwana escribió:
> It's definitely safe to have one rolling mode writing and one repacking. I
> wouldn't run multiple repacks in parallel, as they can wind up doing
> duplicate work (though the end result should always be correct and safe).
> Here's what we run:
> # Any time the disk gets over 50%, compress -o single down to data
> 13 * * * * [% INCLUDE cronjob c='/home/mod_perl/hm/scripts/
> -a -o -d 50 temp data' %]
> # Copy the temporary search databases down to data during the week
> 43 1 * * 1,2,3,4,5,6 [% INCLUDE cronjob
> c='/home/mod_perl/hm/scripts/ -a temp,meta data' %]
> # Sundays repack the entire data directory
> 43 1 * * 0 [% INCLUDE cronjob c='/home/mod_perl/hm/scripts/
> -a temp,meta,data data' %]
> # Late on Sundays, pack any oversized data directories down to archive
> 0 15 * * 0 [% INCLUDE cronjob c='/home/mod_perl/hm/scripts/
> -a' %]
> And here's the interesting logic. In
> if ($Opts{d}) {
> my $Path = $Slot->SearchPath();
> my $Usage = df($Path);
> my $RunUsage = df("/run/cyrus");
> return Process::Status->new(0) if ($Usage->{per} < $Opts{d} and
> $RunUsage->{per} < $Opts{d});
> }
> my @args = (-z => $dest, -t => $src);
> push @args, '-v' if $Opts{v};
> push @args, '-o' if $Opts{o};
> push @args, '-F' if $Opts{F};
> push @args, '-X' if $Opts{X};
> push @args, ('-T' => $Opts{T}) if $Opts{T};
> push @args, ('-u' => $Opts{u}) if $Opts{u};
> my %RunOpts = (
> PrintOutput => 1,
> );
> $RunOpts{Nice} = 1 unless $Opts{N};
> $RunOpts{Daemon} = 1 if $Opts{D};
> $0 = "xapian_compact: $SN";
> $Slot->RunCommand(\%RunOpts, 'squatter', @args);
> And in
> my $Percent = $Opts{P} || 20;
> [...]
> foreach my $user (sort keys %$DataUsage) {
> my $au = $ArchiveUsage->{$user} || 1;
> my $du = $DataUsage->{$user} || 1;
> if ($du < 5000) {
> print "Too small $user ($du)\n";
> next;
> }
> my $This = int($du * 100 / $au);
> if ($This < $Percent) {
> print "Not enough dirty $user: ($du, $au)\n";
> next;
> }
> print "Recompacting $user: ($du, $au)\n";
> my @args = (-z => 'archive', -t => 'data,archive');
> [...]
> In summary, repack data down to archive if data is more than 1/5 size of
> existing archive. So each of these scripts is a wrapper around squatter to
> help it run automatically.
> Bron.
> On Mon, Feb 11, 2019, at 21:55, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote:
> Now I'm noticing for instance, for moving data between Xapian databases.. you
> need to launch something like :
> sudo -u cyrus /usr/cyrus/bin/squatter -C /usr/local/etc/imapd.conf -v -z
> archive -t temp,meta,data,archive -u user/
> perhaps would be better to do :
> sudo -u cyrus /usr/cyrus/bin/squatter -C /usr/local/etc/imapd.conf -F -v -z
> archive -t temp,meta,data,archive -u user/
> But then, having two Squatter processes running at same time, one for rolling
> mode and one for moving/repacking data, should not be an issue?.
> Thanks mates!!
> ---
> Departamento de sistemas
> 944 209 470
> Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
> 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
> [1]
> Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico piense si es necesario hacerlo.
> El 11-02-2019 11:22, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea escribió:
> Hi Bron,
> So, it would be interesting to run once a day... for instance in cyrus.conf
> in events section :
> repack_xapian cmd="squatter -F" at=0200
> Is it needed top stop the other rolling Squatter we run, in same cyrus.conf
> as :
> # do not delete this entry!
> recover cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -r"
> squatter cmd="squatter -R"
> }
> Thank you so much for all the clarifications mate :) really :)
> Cheers!
> ---
> Departamento de sistemas
> 944 209 470
> Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
> 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
> [1]
> Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico piense si es necesario hacerlo.
> El 11-02-2019 10:23, Bron Gondwana escribió:
> Conversations.db is an index over lots of interesting bits of the message,
> but the key part that's used by Xapian is the mapping from G key (aka: GUID,
> aka: sha1 of the message RFC822 data) to individual email. It's used for
> deduplication and for mapping from results to messages.
> The data in conversations.db is added and removed in real time as messages
> are appended and updated in the cyrus.index.
> The data in the xapian databases on the other hand is append only - so you
> can wind up with hits that no longer map to existing emails. The way to
> solve that is with a xapian repack that filters messages - which can be done
> using the -F flag to squatter.
> Cheers,
> Bron.
> On Sat, Feb 9, 2019, at 23:04, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote:
> Good morning,
> As far as I understood, for Xapian you first create it's conversation
> database in order to work. Later you create database(s) for each mailbox
> where Xapian can search in. You can move data between them, new mails become
> indexed for instance Squatter in rolling mode... that's ok... and understood
> I think. I was wondering, what happens when mail indexed in the archive
> database in removed and then does not exist any more in the database... does
> Squatter rolling log manage that too?.
> By the way. I was wondering if mail gets indexed in the tier databases (for
> instance in Fastmail in temp, meta, data, archine...) what's the role or
> function of conversations databases you create with ctl_conversationsdb -b -r
> ?.
> Cheers!
> --
> Departamento de sistemas
> 944 209 470
> Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
> 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
> [1]
> Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico piense si es necesario hacerlo.
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