
Several days ago I am trying to solve this issue but without success.
When opening a folder inside a mailbox through Thunderbird, I get this
message: "Server [servername] has disconnected. The server may have gone
down or there may be a network problem".

In that access attempt the log shows an entry like this:

Feb  2 21:55:38 mail cyrus/imaps[6510]: Fatal error: Exists wrong 513
512 483 17057

Maybe the index is corrupt and has some duplicate message?

Investigating on the web I found this reference [1]:

/* make sure we don't overflow the memory we mapped */
        if (msgno >= state->mapsize) {
            char buf[2048];
            sprintf(buf, "Exists wrong %u %u %u %u", msgno,
                    state->mapsize, mailbox->i.exists, mailbox->i.num_records);
            fatal(buf, EC_IOERR);

I would like to know what you think. Is it possible that this is a
problem with the index for this mailbox? If so, do you recommend some
way to regenerate it?

Thanks in advance for your reply.

Kind regards,


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