Hi Bron

Quoting Bron Gondwana <br...@fastmail.fm>:

Sorry I haven't been following along with this earlier. Can you post your imapd.conf and cyrus.conf as well as let her know if you run anything which directly messes with files on disk.

Thanks for looking into it. I have attached the backend and replica
configs. There should be nothing messing with the files on disk
directly. Some times we need to restore mails from file based
backup (bacula) followed by a reconstruct but this was not the
case this time.

Also, what operating system is this on and what Cyrus version?

We are running a cyrus 3.0.8 compiled with the following Options (./configure --enable-murder --enable-http --enable-calalarmd --enable-replication --enable-backup --enable-idled --enable-autocreate CFLAGS="-fPIC -g")
in a murder configuration on a RHEL 7.5 System. As filesystem we use xfs.


On Fri, Jan 25, 2019, at 04:08, Michael Menge wrote:

I have discovered an other problem with the conversations db:

Thousends of lines with "IOERROR: conversations_audit on load:" and
"IOERROR: conversations_audit on store:"
A look at the source code shows that these errors are logged after
"_sanity_check_counts" is called.
The log level LOG_ERR and the prefix IOERROR indicate that I have a
serious problem. Do I?

This problem occurred for accounts where the rebuild of the
conversations db was successful.

I don't want to rebuild the conversations db every few days.

Any help is appreciated.

Kind regards

 Michael Menge

M.Menge Tel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universität Tübingen Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung mail:
Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen

Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/info-cyrus/
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 Bron Gondwana

M.Menge                                Tel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universität Tübingen                   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung mail: michael.me...@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen
# Configuration for Backend/Failover Instance
# Template MD5SUM: b5b04095d552bb1cbc2b178f7edfd1e2  conf/imapd_master.template
servername: ma01.mail.localhost
configdirectory: /srv/cyrus-be
partition-default: /srv/cyrus-be
partition-ssd: /srv/cyrus-be/ssd-part
metapartition-ssd: /srv/cyrus-ssd-be/meta/ssd-part
metapartition_files: header index cache expunge squat annotations lock dav 
archivepartition-ssd: /srv/cyrus-hdd-be/archive/ssd-part
archive_enabled: 1
archive_days: 31
archive_maxsize: 10240

proc_path: /srv/tmpfs/proc-be
mboxname_lockpath: /srv/tmpfs/lock-be
defaultpartition: ssd
admins: YYYY YYYY

mupdate_server: mupdate.mail.localhost 
mupdate_port: 3905
# mupdate_authname verwenden nicht mupdate_username
# sonst wird login als root/cyrus versucht
#mupdate_username: YYYY
mupdate_authname: YYYY
mupdate_password: XXXX
proxy_authname: YYYY
proxy_password: XXXX
proxyservers: YYYY

allowusermoves: 1
allowallsubscribe: 1

sync_host: sl01.mail.localhost 
sync_authname: YYYY
sync_password: XXXX
sync_port: 2005
guid_mode: sha1
sync_log: 1
sync_shutdown_file: /srv/cyrus-be/sync/shutdown

sievedir: /srv/cyrus-be/sieve
sieve_extensions: fileinto reject vacation imapflags notify include envelope 
body relational regex subaddress copy
sieve_maxscriptsize: 150

sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
sasl_mech_list: plain login

allowanonymouslogin: no
reject8bit: no
quotawarn: 90
timeout: 45
poptimeout: 10
dracinterval: 0
drachost: localhost
lmtp_over_quota_perm_failure: 1
altnamespace: 1
#flushseenstate: 1
unixhierarchysep: 1
hashimapspool: 1
fulldirhash: 1
duplicatesuppression: 0
expunge_mode: delayed
delete_mode: delayed
deletedprefix: DELETED
anysievefolder: 1
#annotation_db: skiplist
#duplicate_db: skiplist
#mboxlist_db: skiplist
#ptscache_db: skiplist
quota_db: quotalegacy
#seenstate_db: skiplist
subscriptions_db: flat
xlist-sent: Mail.sent
xlist-trash: Mail.trash
xlist-drafts: Mail.drafts
xlist-junk: Mail.v-spam
xlist-spam: Mail.v-spam
specialusealways: 1
syslog_prefix: be 

# https://bugzilla.cyrusimap.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3850
# Vermutlich gefixed
#suppress_capabilities: LIST-EXTENDED

tls_server_cert: /etc/pki/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-imapd.pem
tls_server_key: /etc/pki/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-imapd.pem
tls_client_ca_file: /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
tls_prefer_server_ciphers: 1

# Änderungen 27.06.2018
reverseacls: 1
search_engine: squat
delete_unsubscribe: 1
statuscache: 1

#tlscache_db deprecated
#tls_sessions_db: skiplist

# Änderung 11.01.2019
conversations: 1
conversations_expire_days: 90
beimap_auditlog: 1
beimaps_auditlog: 1
bepop3_auditlog: 1
bepop3s_auditlog: 1
belmtp_auditlog: 1
bedelprune_auditlog: 1

# cyrus_be.conf 
# Template MD5SUM: 872d3ba5c7469db45ff6822189cf5720  conf/cyrus_master.template

   berecover cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -r -C /etc/imapd_be.conf"
   bemupdatepush cmd="ctl_mboxlist -m -a -C /etc/imapd_be.conf" 
   beidled cmd="idled -C /etc/imapd_be.conf"

   beimap        cmd="imapd -U 50 -C /etc/imapd_be.conf" 
listen="ma01.mail.localhost:imap" prefork=1 maxfds=1024
   beimaps       cmd="imapd -U 50 -s -C /etc/imapd_be.conf" 
listen="ma01.mail.localhost:imaps" prefork=1 maxfds=1024
   bepop3        cmd="pop3d -C /etc/imapd_be.conf" 
listen="ma01.mail.localhost:pop3" prefork=1 maxfds=1024
   bepop3s       cmd="pop3d -s -C /etc/imapd_be.conf" 
listen="ma01.mail.localhost:pop3s" prefork=1 maxfds=1024
   besieve       cmd="timsieved -C /etc/imapd_be.conf" 
listen="ma01.mail.localhost:sieve" prefork=0 maxfds=1024
   belmtp        cmd="lmtpd -U 5 -C /etc/imapd_be.conf" 
listen="ma01.mail.localhost:lmtp" prefork=1 maxfds=1024
   belmtpunix    cmd="lmtpd -U 5 -C /etc/imapd_be.conf" 
listen="/srv/cyrus-be/socket/lmtp" prefork=1 maxfds=1024

   becheckpoint    cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -c -C /etc/imapd_be.conf" period=30
   bedelprune      cmd="cyr_expire -E 3 -X 60 -D 60 -A 31 -C 
/etc/imapd_be.conf" at=0100
   betlsprune      cmd="tls_prune -C /etc/imapd_be.conf" at=0430
   besquatter      cmd="squatter -C /etc/imapd_be.conf -i" at=2200
# cyrus_re.conf 
# Template MD5SUM: 84869c5ace5b116c0490e22d13a96aaf  conf/cyrus_slave.template

   rerecover cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -r -C /etc/imapd_re.conf"

   resyncserver  cmd="sync_server -C /etc/imapd_re.conf" 
listen="sl08.mail.localhost:csync" prefork=1 maxfds=1024
   reimap        cmd="imapd -U 50 -C /etc/imapd_re.conf" 
listen="sl08.mail.localhost:imap" prefork=1 maxfds=1024

   recheckpoint    cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -c -C /etc/imapd_re.conf" period=30
   redelprune      cmd="cyr_expire -E 3 -X 60 -D 60 -A 31 -C 
/etc/imapd_re.conf" at=0100
# Configuration for Slave (Replica) Instance
# Template MD5SUM: fa40ce3a963f578f143005302c9edea4  conf/imapd_slave.template
servername: sl08.mail.localhost
configdirectory: /srv/cyrus-re
partition-default: /srv/cyrus-re
partition-ssd: /srv/cyrus-re/ssd-part
metapartition-ssd: /srv/cyrus-ssd-re/meta/ssd-part
metapartition_files: header index cache expunge squat annotations lock dav 
archivepartition-ssd: /srv/cyrus-hdd-re/archive/ssd-part
archive_enabled: 1
archive_days: 31
archive_maxsize: 10240

proc_path: /srv/tmpfs/proc-re
mboxname_lockpath: /srv/tmpfs/lock-re
defaultpartition: ssd
admins: YYYY YYYY 

allowusermoves: 1
allowallsubscribe: 1

proxy_authname: YYYY
proxy_password: XXXX
proxyservers: YYYY

sievedir: /srv/cyrus-re/sieve
sieve_extensions: fileinto reject vacation imapflags notify include envelope 
body relational regex subaddress copy
sieve_maxscriptsize: 150

sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
sasl_mech_list: plain login
allowanonymouslogin: no
reject8bit: no
quotawarn: 90
timeout: 45
poptimeout: 10
dracinterval: 0
drachost: localhost
lmtp_over_quota_perm_failure: 1
altnamespace: 1
#flushseenstate: 1
unixhierarchysep: 1
hashimapspool: 1
fulldirhash: 1
duplicatesuppression: 0
expunge_mode: delayed
delete_mode: delayed
deletedprefix: DELETED
anysievefolder: 1
#annotation_db: skiplist
#duplicate_db: skiplist
#mboxlist_db: skiplist
#ptscache_db: skiplist
quota_db: quotalegacy
#seenstate_db: skiplist
subscriptions_db: flat
syslog_prefix: re

# https://bugzilla.cyrusimap.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3850
# Vermutlich gefixed
#suppress_capabilities: LIST-EXTENDED

tls_server_cert: /etc/pki/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-imapd.pem
tls_server_key: /etc/pki/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-imapd.pem
tls_client_ca_file: /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
tls_prefer_server_ciphers: 1

#tlscache_db deprecated
#tls_sessions_db: skiplist

# Änderungen 27.06.2018
reverseacls: 1
statuscache: 1

# Änderung 10.01.2019

search_engine: squat
conversations: 1
conversations_expire_days: 90
reimap_auditlog: 1
reimaps_auditlog: 1
repop3_auditlog: 1
repop3s_auditlog: 1
relmtp_auditlog: 1
redelprune_auditlog: 1

Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/info-cyrus/
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