Hi folks!

I've had a problem with some huge mailboxes, with a lot of folders and 
subfolders. Problably thousand of folders.
The access on these mailboxes is too slow, if you change from INBOX to another 
folder called CYRUS, even if CYRUS folder has just 4 messages for example the 
access is slow.
I was trying to find out  anything on internet about this issue and I read that 
a parameter maxword on imapd.conf  could be the solution.
Nowadays in our cyrus-imap murder all backend servers and frontend servers have 
the maxword parameter set to default value which is 128kb.
Based on that information, I'd like to know if I increase this parameter to a 
high value like 1Mb for instance it could fix the issue about slow access and 
which considerations about memory, disk and cpu resources I must take care if I 
set up this value in my environment.
Another question is, this value must be setting in all backends and frontends 

Thanks in advance


Miguel Moreira
DPR/SRE/GSR - Gerência de Serviços de Rede
PRODEMGE - Companhia de Tecnologia da Informação do Estado de Minas Gerais

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