> Would be fine if Bron, Ellie or someone at Fastmail could tell
> something about it to us :) :)
Cheeky!  Thing is, at FM our production servers more or less track the
master branch, so we were running "3.0" from the moment 2.5 forked off,
and so our upgrade process only ever really needs to deal with iterative
changes.  Our accumulated experience is what informs the "upgrade notes"
included with the 2.5.0 and 3.0.0 releases (not sure about older
versions, I wasn't around then).
This mailing list is the right place to find people with real experience
doing big-bang upgrades. :)


On Mon, Dec 17, 2018, at 8:40 PM, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote:
> Hi mate,


> I think (and say think :) )I finally found a method. Although I'm
> testing it deeply... it seems (say seems too :) ) 2.4 is compatible
> with a mail spool in 2.3 (at least with my config). So I'll try to
> upgrade first to 2.4 and later to 3.0 setting up a replication from
> 2.4 to 3.0. Would be fine if Bron, Ellie or someone at Fastmail could
> tell something about it to us :) :)> 

> Cheers!

> ---
> sarenet
> *Egoitz Aurrekoetxea*
> Departamento de sistemas
> 944 209 470
> Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
> 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
> ego...@sarenet.es
> www.sarenet.es
> Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico piense si es necesario
> hacerlo.> 

> El 16-12-2018 22:24, John Capo escribió:

>> On Thu, December 13, 2018 13:25, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote: 
>>> Hi again!
>>>  Else as a simplication way can you replicate any manner a 2.3
>>>  with some>>>  newer version?. At least in manual mode (not rolling)?.
>> The replication protocol in 2.4 is not compatible wit 2.3.
>>  There is no easy way.  I'm rsync'ing one account at a time between
>>  2.3 and 2.4 with IMAP/POP and LMTP access disabled, followed by a
>>  reconstruct, and then enabling IMAP/POP and LMTP access.>> 
>>  Many terrabytes to go.
>>  You could also look at imapsync but its slow.
>>> Cheers.
>>>  ---
>>>  Departamento de sistemas
>>>  944 209 470
>>>  Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
>>>  48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
>>> ego...@sarenet.es www.sarenet.es [1[1]] Antes de imprimir este
>>> correo electrónico piense si es>>>  necesario hacerlo.
>>>  El 13-12-2018 16:52, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea escribió:
>>>> Good afternoon,
>>>>  I was trying to upgrade part of our Cyrus imap installation,
>>>>  concretely that one consisting in>>>>  still 2.3. I was planning to set 
>>>> up Cyrus 3.0. I have seen all
>>>>  works properly except for the>>>>  unexpunge command because as someone 
>>>> stated here, a reconstruct -V
>>>>  max was needed.The problem>>>>  is that this reconstruct command, takes 
>>>> ages and I'm not able to
>>>>  keep the service offline so>>>>  many time. So I have been thinking in 
>>>> the following scenario :
>>>>  - Cyrus 2.3 master -> Cyrus 2.4 slave
>>>>  Get this 2.4 slave ready and set it as master. But here comes my
>>>>  first doubt. Does the 2.4>>>>  replication work with the 2.3 
>>>> replication?. Can in this pair, both
>>>>  (the 2.3 and the 2.4) be>>>>  both master and slave?. I mean to switch 
>>>> roles in the pair. Make
>>>>  one become master and the>>>>  other slave and  vice versa?.
>>>>  Let's think now Cyrus 2.4 is ready and working.
>>>>  - Now, I would set up a new 3.0 slave. I know 2.4 could replicate
>>>>    with 3.0. So I would get the>>>>  3. ready and then set 3.0 as master. 
>>>> Can in this pair both the 2.4
>>>>     and 3.0 be master and>>>>  slave?. Meaning again to the same role 
>>>> switching commented
>>>>  before... to make one to be master>>>>  and the other slave or vice 
>>>> versa....
>>>>  I'l will end up with 2 3.0 master and slave... but I need to trace
>>>>  the path...>>>> 
>>>>  Does anyone see any other way?.
>>>>  Best regards,
>>>>  -
>>>>  --
>>>>  Departamento de sistemas
>>>>  944 209 470
>>>>  Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
>>>>  48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
>>>> ego...@sarenet.es www.sarenet.es [1[2]] Antes de imprimir este
>>>> correo electrónico piense si es>>>>  necesario hacerlo. ----
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>>> Links:
>>>  ------
>>>  [1] http://www.sarenet.es


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