Jan Seeger wrote:
NOTE: I don't speak spanish. But somehow, I read it thusly:
On Mon, 03. Mar, [EMAIL PROTECTED] spammed my inbox with
> Por las nuevas políticas de calidad ISO 9001 que la empresa está implementando, todos los temas relacionados con soporte técnico deben ser realizadas al correo electrónico [EMAIL PROTECTED] Due to the new ISO9001 norm being implemented, all technical support requests
(relations?) should be taken to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Muchas gracias y disculpe las molestías.
Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience
> Automáticamente este email será reenvio a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This email has automatically been resent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The person at the other email adress probably thinks he still gets the mails
normally, so he shouldn't do anything...


Since you can read it, is there any way to stop the messages? Over time this could become a problem.


:-) :-) :-) --
gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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