Hello, Eli.

On Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 11:15:10 -0400, Eli Schwartz wrote:
> On 9/24/24 7:30 AM, Alan Mackenzie wrote:

[ .... ]

> >> It's possible you have installed another one of these packages too. If
> >> you do, then virtual/service-manager will still be satisfied, and it
> >> will allow you to depclean openrc.

> > Yes, I have daemontools, needed as a component of a qmail variant.

> Sigh, djbware strikes again. The fact that daemontools claims to be a
> service manager, but is needed for random packages WITHOUT being used as
> a service manager, is alarming and probably broken.

Yes, we agree on this.

> >> In theory, one should not have multiple init systems installed. And
> >> openrc is the preferred satisfier, so if you use `emerge --depclean` it
> >> will try to depclean the other package, not openrc. But you can depclean
> >> openrc itself in that case, since portage doesn't know which init system
> >> you intend to keep.

> > If I had invoked --depclean without the -a (or -p) flag, my system would
> > have had openrc removed, and it would have been unbootable.  This is the
> > sort of thing a new Gentoo user might do.

> >> Even in this case it emits a warning:

> >> !!! 'sys-apps/openrc' (virtual/service-manager) is part of your system
> >> profile.
> >> !!! Unmerging it may be damaging to your system.

> > So, having your system made unbootable is opt-out rather than opt-in.

> That is a severely unkind interpretation of what I said, and of what
> portage does.

I don't think somebody whose system would no longer boot would agree with
you there.

> Also, installing daemontools isn't the kind of thing a new Gentoo user
> might do. Nor is installing qmail.

I don't see why not.  I was new to Gentoo (but knew qmail) when I first
installed it on Gentoo.

> >> to make sure you are fully aware that you intend to depclean a package
> >> that *might* be the wrong one.

> > The context of this discussion was an implication that the Gentoo
> > maintainers wouldn't make a change "that made everyone's systems suddenly
> > break".  I submitted a bug report about --depclean back in the summer of
> > 2021 (though I can't find that bug any more).  I think it was closed as
> > not-a-bug.

> > There are several ways this could have been fixed, for example with
> > --depclean preserving packages in system, as well as world.  But it was
> > regarded as not a bug.

> > So I think it is fair to say that the Gentoo developers are content for
> > some systems (in particular, mine) suddenly to break.  I am thus somewhat
> > sceptical about things in Gentoo which may be based on assumptions which
> > don't hold in my system.  The new +wayland USE flag kind of looked a bit
> > like that to me.  Actually, it wasn't, so I apologise for my opening
> > post.

> There is nothing sudden about this! No change has been made! According
> to your explanation, the presence of daemontools on a system has always
> made --depclean result in potentially making a system unbootable.

> The Gentoo developers have taken no action to *make* this a problem. It
> is the unfortunate combination of a number of moving parts that together
> result in a historically present issue.

> Inferring from here that Gentoo developers making an active profile
> change with the intent of resulting in systems suddenly breaking while
> dismissing concerns, is unreasonable, irrational, and paranoid. Sorry.

Please note that when I raised the matter, I first described it as
accidental, and I've never meant to imply it was anything else.  The
"content for some systems ... to break" was a direct reference to bug
803878 being summarily rejected in 2021.

Anyhow, I think all misunderstandings with respect to that bug have now
been resolved, and it is getting fixed.

> Gentoo works better when users report issues and ask for them to be fixed.

As I did with bug 803878.

> Gentoo works better when users see a change and ask what the
> ramifications are, e.g. "I was curious whether this would have a
> negative effect on my X-only system", rather than immediately leaping to

Perhaps.  As already said, I would have been much less jumpy if the
explanations which have come in this thread had been in a news item.

With this change involving wayland, users HAVE to make a decision, namely
whether to set USE='-wayland', as both of us have done, or to accept the
bloat of around 50 packages and many megabytes of things like qt and kde
libraries.  I think the necessary background information to make that
decision was missing.

> You can always post the "PSA!!! DANGER ALERT! CODE RED" if you asked for
> information and did not get an answer that satisfied you, but the
> initial assumption of good faith would be appreciated.

> ....

> Regarding the daemontools situation:

> """
> for example with --depclean preserving packages in system, as well as world
> """

> Is not a valid suggestion, since --depclean already does precisely this,
> but openrc isn't a package in system, it is a package that satisfies a
> recursive dependency of system.

I think that's a rather obscure distinction.  Do users actually perceive
virtual packages this way?  I certainly don't.

> As far as portage knows, it is already doing exactly what you want it
> to do, as described in the Package Manager Specification.

My machine would have become unbootable long before I got around to
reading that spec.

> Perhaps you meant to say that --depclean should preserve all versions of
> an "any-of" dependency.

Yes, that's what I meant - at least those in @system.

> This would break a whole lot of use cases, as then one would no longer
> be able to change their system to suit themselves using the intended
> power of virtuals.

What is wrong with # emerge --unmerge?  I fail to see why that isn't
entirely satisfactory.

> For example, it would become impossible for a user to install s6-rc into
> their world file, with the intention of using s6-rc as their service
> manager, and then --depclean and remove openrc which they no longer
> intend to use!

# emerge --unmerge openrc.

> (It would also be impossible to install vim or emacs, then uninstall
> nano. For that matter, it would be impossible for an emacs user to
> install vim, try it out for a day, decide they don't like it, and
> uninstall vim. Vim would be there to stay: forever.)

What about the users, who can't be all that rare, who wish all of nano,
vim, and emacs to be installed?  They're application programs, not system

> Normally, installing s6-rc is an intentional action to use s6-rc. But
> apparently, "normally" installing daemontools isn't an intentional
> action to use daemontools.


> Thus, reporting this as a bug against portage is illogical, but
> reporting it as a bug against virtual/service-manager is logical. I can
> understand why a bug submitted "about --depclean" would be closed as
> not-a-bug, since it is... not, in fact, a bug, there is a totally
> different bug.

> Perhaps the person who closed that bug should have thought deeper about
> the implications of such a thing, and reassigned that bug to the correct
> package with a fixed explanation. And perhaps you should have
> communicated better why it's a problem for you to install daemontools
> *without intending to* and having that affect openrc. For example, by
> highlighting that daemontools isn't being used as a service manager and
> you do not believe installing "ordinary applications such as qmail"
> should be allowed to override your choice of init system.

> -- 
> Eli Schwartz

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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