On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 6:24 PM, Grant <emailgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My backup user needs a shell on the backup server in order to execute
> rsync and needs to be included in /etc/ssh/sshd_config AllowUsers in
> order to SSH in.  My authorized_keys file is locked-down.  The second
> field for the user in /etc/shadow is an exclamation point which I
> think means the user can not log in with a password.  Should I take
> any additional steps to prevent that user from logging in and not
> being subject to the authorized_keys restrictions?

There are a few distinct problems and solutions that come to mind.
Here's my take as an uncertified non-expert:

Problem: I want different SSHD config for different users
Solution: use the "Match" directive in sshd_config (as Adam already
pointed out) and enable or disable password authentication for users
who are exceptions to the system-wide setting

Problem: I don't want the backup user to be able to login using a
password anywhere except ssh
Solution 1: set the password to an * in /etc/shadow (disabled password
login permanently)
Solution 2: prefix the existing password with an ! in /etc/shadow
(this disables pw login temporarily, remove the ! to restore the
Solution 3: set the user's shell to /sbin/nologin in /etc/passwd
Note: there are slight differences between these approaches, see "man
5 passwd" for details

Problem: backup user should only be allowed to run the rsync command
Solution 1: set a forced command in sshd_config for that user
Solution 2: set a forced command in authorized_keys for that key

I think if you combine that with what you've already done, that user
should be well and truly locked down. That is based on using the
standard Gentoo configuration... I'm sure there are 1000 different
ways to do it and probably a lot of them better than what I suggested,
so take it FWIW. :)

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