On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 12:03 PM, James Horton PE
<wirel...@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Background.
> One thing that intrigues me is that one storage
> server can intellegently store files from a variety
> of hardware devices. I like this concept, but, many
> of my devices are not common retail systems. Nor
> do I like the idea of my file being on a server
> under the control of others.....
> So I first need to use something like "owncloud"
> and build a single server at a one location? Then
> I need to build another server at a diffent location.
> 2 or 3 physically differnt locations should work
> for my needs, for now. The File System to choose
> for this is an area where input from others is
> important.

If you are basically looking for "run my own dropbox" then I think
owncloud should work for you. I think mobile clients and replication
to multiple servers are additional features that cost money, not
included in the free version.

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