On Sun, 11 Nov 2012 23:21:06 -0600, Bruce Hill wrote:

> If we also stick to helping someone with their problem, and refrain from
> replying about how bad or useless we think an app or ideal might be to
> us, we could avoid flame wars.

Unfortunately, there are times when it is necessary to point out how bad
an idea is in order to help someone. Recent example: the suggestion to
use dd to copy one drive to another with a different block size. While
this may have worked for the person suggesting it, it is a bad idea in
general and refraining from stating that could have resulted n problems
for someone following that advice.

Surely stating the merits or otherwise of an idea is a core element of
discussion, and discussion is what this list is about.

On the topic of swearing, some consider it "bad language", as you do, and
I respect that view. Others consider it a means of expression (others
seem to use it for punctuation, but no one is defending that). There are
times that some words can add emotion or emphasis to a statement,
especially when used rarely, but on a list like this there is generally
little or no need for it. However, not all users of this list are
native-English speakers and other cultures see use of such language
different - one only has to look at the comments made on the podium of
the Abu Dhabi F1 Grand Prix, made by professional drivers who are paid
not to offend.

Neil Bothwick

And on the seventh day God said :wq and then make

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