On 2010-07-03, Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote: > This bug refers to clicking in the flash controls and not getting a > response (as a workaround I click outside of the embedded video flash > area first and then click onto it to move the video cursor, expand it > full screen, etc.) The fix they suggest does not work with the > problem I am trying to solve with Opera-10.60 though. > > I'm not Steve Jobs friend as such, but can't wait another minute for > html 5 to do away with the stupid adobe flash creation.
While Flash has it technical faults, the main problem with flash is it's user-base. It seems to be used primarily in two situations: 1) When you're trying to hide the fact that the site content completely sucks. 2) When you're too incompetent to do a good interface design. Perhaps if Flash weren't around, it's user-base would find some other equivalent way to blight their audince, but Flash is just so _good_ at it. -- Grant