On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 7:48 AM, Dr John Krane <jkr...@netzero.net> wrote:
> You should be able to unsubscribe by sending an email to:
> gentoo-powerpc-user+unsubscr...@lists.gentoo.org
> *FROM* the email address you'd like to unsubscribe (this is how you tell
> it what address you're using). If you're getting mail from other
> addresses forwarded to you account, check the email header to see where
> they're being sent from so you can sent it from the right address.
> I do not have administrator access to the mailing lists and can't
> unsubscribe you.
> -Joe
> NO KIDDDING!!!!   I have tried that only 30 or 40 times!   It doesn't work!
>  Can somebody please help me?
>      - John

   There is almost certainly no one on this list that can just do this
for you. You have to do it yourself or find someone in Gentoo.org who
manages these things and convince them to do it for you.

   Something that comes up once in awhile is that you might have
subscribed originally from a different ISP who was acquired by
NetZero. The list could still be mailing to that original address and
NEtZero is forwarding it to you at this new address. Since you are
replying from a different one than you subscribed then the list server
thinks you're not the same person and does nothing. That's a hard one
to get out of in my experience unless you find a real person to look
into it.

   Assuming that you are actually subscribed from the account you are
currently using then sending a message to


should work. (I think Joe might have written the email address wrong
above, but possibly I've got it wrong myself.)

If by any chance you are actually subscribed to the digest then use this:


Good luck,

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