obviously select only the modular parts you actually need don't just emerge xorg-x11 (this pulls down loads of unnecessary stuff)

determine the exact dependencies necessary

in addition to kdrive (which I'm not hugely familiar with but search "xorg kdrive" on google and i found some useful mailing lists etc.) USE="minimal" reduces unneceassary stuff i use minimal as a global for a lot of packages when building livecd/usb's

I use gentoo-portage to check what use flags do, also actually reading the ebuild in question can tell you a lot


check the bottom of the page it mentions

Global: Install a very minimal build (disables, for example, plugins, fonts, most drivers, non-critical features)

i haven't tried kdrive yet but will at some point


On 04/11/06, Vladimir Pouzanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
On 11/4/06, Francisco Ares <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> How can I make X "thinner"?  The system doesn't need a window manager,
> so I didn't install any.  The machine application is the X shell.  It
> uses Python and WxPython.

You can try USE=kdrive (kdrive is X11 mode for embedded devices),
AFAIK it reduces it's size by removing useless features.

Vladimir "Farcaller" Pouzanov
gentoo-embedded@gentoo.org mailing list

Mobile: 07985580147
Website: www.ainkaboot.co.uk

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