ok so follow the hpc how to: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/hpc-howto.xml but modify for diskless which you seem to have got the hang of.
distcc: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/distcc.xml for compiling for the competitive evolution experiments, have you written them, are they parallelized, if not a queuing system would allow you to run many jobs and maximise usage of the machines. For anyone else interested I did an ebuild: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=69553 for drqueue I will stick up another shortly for the latest version which has a number of improvements, I'll also do a quick how to as I've made it easier to setup and use drqueue than for other distros. Hanni On 20/12/06, Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wed, 20 Dec 2006 20:33:55 +0300 momentics <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dan, sorry - probably i missed something from this thread. > can you plz to give a visibility on what you need of clustering what i want to do is cluster all my old pentium 3s and 2s into a cluster capable of distributing many-threded programs. right now I have them booting diskless into a regular gentoo installation. I would like it if I could have them all help each other out with processing power. I can then use them for tasks such as distributed compiling. I am also interested in simulated competitive evolution experiments, which would to very well running on multiple hosts simultaneously. mostly i just want a new toy, preferably with effective bogomips in the rage that i can't attain with just one commodity-level computer. -- gentoo-cluster@gentoo.org mailing list
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