I’m accustomed to GeoTiff files having row-wise sequential layout of image 
tiles (and I was under the impression that GDAL assumes this for merging range 

But I recently noticed a lot of excess GET requests working with SRTM data that 
passes COG validation scripts:
> https://opentopography.s3.sdsc.edu/raster/SRTM_GL1/SRTM_GL1_srtm/N59W102.tif

These files seem to have TileOffsets scattered about (for example here is 
excerpt from tiffdump:  TileOffsets (324) LONG (4) 64<2269213 2409502 3485315 
2716342 …)

I believe this odd layout is causing the many GET requests to access this data, 
for example:
CPL_DEBUG=ON gdal_translate -srcwin 0 0 1024 512 

Since a key aspect of COGs is efficient network access, shouldn’t this file not 
be considered a COG? 

Scott Henderson
Research Scientist, Earth & Space Sciences
Data Science Fellow, eScience Institute 
Johnson Hall 251
University of Washington

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