Title: We are messing around with Draco and I am trying to get my head around how everything ties together

I am getting up to speed with Draco and I am trying to get my head around how everything ties together.


I have it working, it queries SourceSafe and if something changes it attempts to build with my nant script. What I am struggling with most is what kind of build script should I setup, where should it live, and how should it be called. Also, what am I trying to do with the code and the builds when they are pulled down. I had assumed that I would be pulling this down into a staging structure where we can test, but the temp folders have me a little confused.


A few beginners questions:


  • Do most people have build scripts setup for each project? Our current build script is a solution script.
  • I am assuming that if I want to use the solution script I should have it watch the solution in VSS
  • Does it pull down everything into a new temp directory everytime? Seems to take a long time…
  • Should I be trying to emulate the file structures of production or staging and having draco pull down into that structure?


Thanks for any advice.

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