
** 1. Introduction


 More recently the global legislative landscape with regard to
   personal data collection, retention, and pseudonymization has seen
   significant activity with differing requirements active in different
   jurisdictions.  For example the user of a service and the service
   itself may be in jurisdictions with conflicting legislation.  It is
   an untested area that simply using a DNS resolution service
   constitutes consent from the user for the operator to process their
   query data.  The impact of recent legislative changes on data
   pertaining to the users of both Internet Service Providers and DNS
   open resolvers is not fully understood at the time of writing.

---> I'm wondering if the legal principles are really all that different 
between jurisdictions? Purpose limitation and data minimization (or "as few 
data as are required to perform the purpose" or equivalent) are fairly common, 
and RFC6073 already considers data minimization a super-heading for stuff like 
storage limitation (which in some jurisdictions is separated from data 
minimization in the law, for example). The big differences are only in 
oversight (who is competent to enforce) and perhaps contractual practise (what 
is the expected contents of a contract).

In the spirit of this draft, maybe it's better to leave it at just "significant 
activity [full stop]" and not point so much to differing requirements? 

best regards,


On 2018-07-16 21:25, Sara Dickinson wrote:
> There are now updated versions of these two drafts which have
> cross-references to each other…..
> Sara. 
>> On 2 Jul 2018, at 13:59, Sara Dickinson <
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hi All, 
>> An update to draft-dickinson-bcp-op (with a minor name change
>> generating a -00 version) is now available. 
>> The major differences to draft-dickinson-bcp-op-00 are :
>> * Reworked the Terminology, Introduction and Scope
>> * Added Document section
>> * Reworked the Recommendations section to describe threat
>> mitigations, optimizations and other options.  
>> * Split the recommendations up into 3 subsections: on the wire, at
>> rest and upstream
>> * Added much more information on data handling and IP address
>> pseudonymization and anonymization
>> * Added more details and comparison of some existing policy/privacy
>> policies
>> * Applied virtually all of Amelia Andersdotter's suggested changes.
>> When re-writing this draft in terms of privacy threats and
>> mitigations it became clear that a ‘bis' to RFC7626 that included
>> threat assessments from all the privacy related work that has
>> happened since it was written (e.g. DNS-over-TLS) would be very
>> helpful. That bis document is also now available (see below) and
>> going forward the hope is the these two will be companion documents
>> with RFC7626-bis describing the threats and the BCP describing the
>> mitigations. 
>> When reviewing, please note that due to time constraints I haven’t
>> managed to get the cross references to the very latest draft versions
>> updated in the documents, but will do so when draft submission re-opens. 
>> Best regards
>> Sara. 
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> *From: * <>
>>> *Subject: **New Version Notification for
>>> draft-dickinson-dprive-bcp-op-00.txt*
>>> *Date: *2 July 2018 at 18:31:13 BST
>>> *To: *"Sara Dickinson" < <>>,
>>> "Benno J. Overeinder" <
>>> <>>, "Benno Overeinder" <
>>> <>>, "Allison Mankin"
>>> < <>>,
>>> "Roland M. van Rijswijk-Deij" <
>>> <>>, "Roland van Rijswijk-Deij"
>>> < <>>
>>> A new version of I-D, draft-dickinson-dprive-bcp-op-00.txt
>>> has been successfully submitted by Sara Dickinson and posted to the
>>> IETF repository.
>>> Name:draft-dickinson-dprive-bcp-op
>>> Revision:00
>>> Title:Recommendations for DNS Privacy Service Operators
>>> Document date:2018-07-02
>>> Group:Individual Submission
>>> Pages:32
>>> URL:
>>> Status:
>>> Htmlized:
>>> Htmlized:
>>> Abstract:
>>>   This document presents operational, policy and security
>>>   considerations for DNS operators who choose to offer DNS Privacy
>>>   services.  With the recommendations, the operator can make deliberate
>>>   decisions which services to provide, and how the decisions and
>>>   alternatives impact the privacy of users.
>>>   This document also presents a framework to assist writers of DNS
>>>   Privacy Policy and Practices Statements (analogous to DNS Security
>>>   Extensions (DNSSEC) Policies and DNSSEC Practice Statements described
>>>   in [RFC6841]).
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> *From: * <>
>>> *Subject: **New Version Notification for
>>> draft-bortzmeyer-dprive-rfc7626-bis-00.txt*
>>> *Date: *2 July 2018 at 18:54:30 BST
>>> *To: *"Sara Dickinson" < <>>,
>>> "Stephane Bortzmeyer" <
>>> <>>
>>> A new version of I-D, draft-bortzmeyer-dprive-rfc7626-bis-00.txt
>>> has been successfully submitted by Sara Dickinson and posted to the
>>> IETF repository.
>>> Name:draft-bortzmeyer-dprive-rfc7626-bis
>>> Revision:00
>>> Title:DNS Privacy Considerations
>>> Document date:2018-07-02
>>> Group:Individual Submission
>>> Pages:22
>>> URL:
>>> Status:
>>> Htmlized:
>>> Htmlized:
>>> Abstract:
>>>   This document describes the privacy issues associated with the use of
>>>   the DNS by Internet users.  It is intended to be an analysis of the
>>>   present situation and does not prescribe solutions.
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>> dns-privacy mailing list
>> <>
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> dns-privacy mailing list

Amelia Andersdotter
Technical Consultant, Digital Programme


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